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The railway station was bustling with people even at nine in the night. Nitara was tired and hungry after the thirteen hour journey. All she wanted was to reach the apartment as soon as possible and rest.

Walking out of the platform she looked for her best friend who was there to pick her up. The ringing of her phone interrupted her search. Taking the phone out of her bag she attended the call knowing it's her mother from the special ringtone.

"Reached there safely Nitu?" Her Mother's concerned voice asked.

"Yes Mom, I just reached here. I'm looking for Madhu." She answered.

"Video call me when you reach the apartment okay?" Her mother reminded.

"Hmm, okay. Bye."

Hanging up on her mom she decided to call Madhura. Suddenly someone jumped on her from behind.

Startled from the sudden impact she jerks forward. She turned around to find a giggling Madhura with a sheepish expression.

"I almost had a heart attack Madhu." She scowls at her bestfriend who countinued to laugh.

"Okay okay sorry.", she takes the backpack from her, "I didn't thought you would get scared."

Shaking her head at her friend she moved towards the parking lot.

"So how is everyone at home?" Madhura asked as she drove through the Bangalore traffic.

"Everyone's good. Mom have send chakka varuthat for you."

"Really?", She asks excited, "God I can't wait to eat them."

After a hour they reach the apartment. She was exhausted to the bone  after sitting and travelling for so long.

Tired from the journey, she directly went to her room and took a quick shower. After a simple dinner and calling home, she slept.


No matter how tired or late she fell asleep, Nitara woke up at six am everyday. Making her bed she entered the bathroom to complete her morning routine.

It was after the coffee entered her system she felt refreshed. Unlike Nitara, Madhura wasn't an early bird. So it was only her who was up.

Nitara decided to take a tour around the apartment which she couldn't yesterday. The 2 bhk apartment they were currently living in actually belonged to Madhura's brother.

Madhura had decorated the living space in a bohemian style. It wasn't a large space but it wasn't small either.

A beige couch was placed in the middle of the hall, opposite to a television. A  small wooden table was placed infront of the couch and a dark beige rug covered the entire space there.

She had filled the small balcony with different indoor plants. There was a brown hanging swing in one corner.

Nitara walked out of the balcony to the living room. A cup of hot coffee in her hand.

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