Chapter 1 - House

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Hello. My is name Miguel Bloxowski. 

I lived in the city of Lucella where it was located in a continent somewhere in the United Kingdom named Evalia where most anthropomorphic animals live. I graduated in a police academy of the Lucella Police Department, and now I'm a police officer. I'm one of the kindest, and gold hearted officers of the police. 

Also, I had missions and problems in my past. One mission was that I was tasked to arrest two criminals who stole a pie in an alleyway. Another mission is I investigated that there's a robbery inside the Gallery last month. 

But for now, let's focus about the present. 

Right now I was to investigate reports of a missing child named 'Georgie'. He went missing when the Piggy Family is going through something. I don't know what it is, but right now... I'm going to find out what happened to Georgie. 

The case begin when me, my friends Ollie, Gabriel, Jake, and Bella, and the Chief were working at our office at the police station

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The case begin when me, my friends Ollie, Gabriel, Jake, and Bella, and the Chief were working at our office at the police station. 

While we were working, the Chief gets a call from the phone. He answered to the phone, "This is the chief of the police speaking. How may I help you today?" After he answered the phone, I asked, "What was that Chief? What happened?" Bella said to the Chief, "Yeah Chief. You sound pretty concerned." 

"Well, a child named Georgie Piggy from the Piggy Family is missing, and no one could find him." said the Chief, explaining about his call, "His friend Mateo just called in, and he said that he heard weird noises coming from the Piggy Family's house while he was walking to the house to play with Georgie outside. But when he knocked in the door, the door opened itself and no one is in there." 

"Wait are you serious?" I asked, "Oh no, this is not good." The Chief announced, "Well, if this is the case, I need someone to go investigate over there pronto. I volunteered the Chief to investigate the Piggy House. 

"Leave it to me chief, I got this one." I said to the Chief, as I leave the station. When I left the station, the Chief said to my friends, "Huh, this just makes me so nervous. I've never had a call in like that before guys."

I begin to drive my police car to begin my investigation of the disappearance of Georgie Piggy

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I begin to drive my police car to begin my investigation of the disappearance of Georgie Piggy. As I arrived at the Piggy Family's Household where he was last seen, I began to notice things were off. A breeze of unease shrouded me as I stepped out of my vehicle. 

"Well, this is the place that Georgie Piggy was last seen." I said aloud, as I looked at the house in front of me.

Suddenly, I hear some strange noise. "Wait, what was that sound?!" I exclaimed, slightly frighten. Without a moment to react, I suddenly hear an oink and blacked out. I woke up in a bedroom of the house with a beaming headache. I exclaimed, "Oh no, I've got to get the hell out of here!"

 I exclaimed, "Oh no, I've got to get the hell out of here!"

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Someone had knocked me out and brought me here. But why? If they wanted to get rid of me, why didn't they finish the job? When I exited the bedroom, I walked into a creepy hallway where I saw a dirty picture of Georgie Piggy, but it had a red cross mark that made me feel confused and frightened. 

But when I reached the exit of the house, the exit was locked with a white key lock, an electric panel, two wood planks, and a key code lock that locked the door. Terrified, I tried to find a way to escape the house by looking for various keys around the house that could be use to escape this terrible place. 

While I was attempting to escape, I encountered a strange crazed pig, with different eyes and a hunger for harm

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While I was attempting to escape, I encountered a strange crazed pig, with different eyes and a hunger for harm. It was holding a baseball bat and had a dirty red dress. It didn't talk, it just chased me. Terrifying. I tried to avoid it while I unlock doors with keys to find items that can be used to escape. 

After I obtained a white key, a hammer, a wrench, and a key code, I ran into the locked exit to use these items to escape, but the crazed pig blocked the exit. I was cornered. I was about to get killed by that pig, as I panicked that my train of thought is about DEATH. 

But then I realized that I had a gun with me all of the time! I picked up my gun, and then shoot at that terrible crazed pig. It caused the pig to get knocked out. I was brave that I defeated that pig. I unlocked the exit door with those items I got, and escaped.  

As soon as I escaped the house, I asked and think myself, "What in the hell was that thing?" 

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As soon as I escaped the house, I asked and think myself, "What in the hell was that thing?" 

"It looked so weird, yet I've never seen anything like it before." 

"Not to mention the fact that it tried to kill me..." 

Then I said aloud, "I need to get to the station to tell everyone what happened in the house." 

I walked away from the house that I eventually escaped. When I drove my car back to the station, I started to think about that strange crazed pig I saw in the house. What happened to that pig, and why it had that aggressive behavior to me? 

Piggy: Book 1 - The Full StoryWhere stories live. Discover now