Chapter Two - Goodbye Dean Winchester

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⭒₊ ☾ Poppy ☽₊⭒

I barely touch my food as I look out the window of Sam and Dean's hotel room. I wish I could say this day has been anything but chaotic. I never saw myself as much of a team girly. Not that I don't find myself just a teeny tiny bit enjoying their company but bouncing around from foster home to foster home wasn't an ideal situation to teach me how to create lasting relationships with others. All I've ever known was how to be alone, even now being reunited with Bobby for the better part of my early adult life. I still don't exactly know how to handle him worrying about me....I've never had that before.

"Why would you chose this life?" Dean's voice breaks through my thoughts as I meet his piercing gaze.

"You wouldn't understand." I answer him, dropping my fork as I push my takeout away from me.

"Try me." His own fork dangling just above his food as he watches me carefully.

"You've already made up your mind about me the moment we met. There's no point in explaining myself. You're just like him."

"Who?" He questions intrigued his head tilting slightly to the side.

"My uncle." I answer simply.

"I consider that a compliment." He smirks with one corner of his lip.

"Of course you do." I roll my eyes with a sigh.

"What is that supposed to mean." His voice strong, defensive.

"It means you have a skewed don't know me, you just have an idea of me. The one Bobby put in your head. I'm not some pathetic, weak woman who hasn't a clue of what she's getting herself into." I look away from his intense gaze.

"I've been down this road before....with someone alot like you. I'm not about to watch you die too." chest breaks even more.

"I'm not Jo." I state.

"Obviously." He mocks, the pain in my chest quickly replaced with anger.

"Hey. She was my friend too." I snap turning to glare at him. A look of grief washes over him.

"Sorry." His voice barely above a whisper.

"I didn't have anyone to protect me like Ellen protected Jo. Bobby wanted me to have a better life, but news flash. People can be just as evil as the things you hunt." I admit in the quiet between us. His brows furrowed in concern.

"What happened?"

"It doesn't matter." I state looking away from him once more. I've already said too much.

"Does Bobby know...."

I shake my head cutting him off, "No...and he's never going to." I state with finality.

"Poppy...." Dean's voice was softer than normal. It made my stomach flutter, which was awful.

"He already feels guilt for not taking me in when I was little. I'm not gonna add to his guilt for what happened those years in foster care."

He stays silent, nodding his head in understanding as I breathe out a sigh of relief. He takes a big scoop of his food.

"Are you done being an ass now?" I question him.

"I'm not being an ass." He says with a mouth full of food.

"Sure, and the sky isn't blue." I roll my eyes.

"I'm not being an ass Poppy, I'm being realistic." He states like it's obvious.

"Think we are gonna have to agree to disagree." I admit just as the door opens and Sam walks in. He drops a bag of chicken feet down on the table, I can't help the grin gracing my face as I watch Dean's turn in total disgust.

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