Chapter Five - You Made A Friend, Aw

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⚝ Dean ⚝

I swear Poppy Nightingale is the bane of my existence. She knows how to infuriate me with her disregard for her own safety and her stubborn refusal to let us help. But I have thought about her constantly for the last year. 

Maybe it was her bubbly laugh, or her turquoise blue eyes, or her infectious smile. It could be her chestnut wavy brown hair. Or maybe it's her soft airy timbre in her voice. Whatever it might be, I was screwed.

Because I wanted her attention, her time, her energy. I wanted it all. She terrifies me because caring about someone deeply is dangerous, flashes of Lisa and Ben float through my mind before I lock them away again. I shift my weight on the arm rest I was currently sitting on while I watch Poppy laying in my hotel bed, Rue laying next to her while Sam sits by the bedside refusing to leave her side. I don't want to admit that I'm jealous. That seeing them together, knowing they've been keeping in touch since she walked away bothers me. 

It bothers me because I can't let myself be with her, it bothers me that Sammy doesn't consider the risks of falling in love. But mostly it bothers me that there is a real possibility that Poppy could fall in love with Sam and I would spend the rest of my life pinning over a woman that would never be mine. 

"Why do you keep pretending like you don't miss her?" Sam questions from his chair next to her. "Pretending like you don't care." I can hear the judgment in his voice. 

"You wouldn't understand." I admit. 

"Then make me understand? She doesn't deserve whatever shit has you acting like an ass." He looks over his shoulder his gaze lethal when they meet mine. "She's just as tortured as you." 

Rue pops up alerting us towards the door. Garth comes walking through with a flourish throwing us some wrapped burgers. We thank him unwrapping our meal as Rue settles back down, her head resting on Poppy's stomach. I still can't believe she actually got a dog. I only offered that as a joke. I wasn't being serious but after watching the way she guards Poppy with her life, I'm glad she took my fake advice seriously. Knowing she's protected makes the tension in my shoulders relax slightly. 

"What are we talking about?" Garth questions taking a big bite of his burger looking between the two of us. 

"Nothing." I grumble. 

"She's pretty special..." He says through a mouth full of food clearly not taking the hint that I don't want to talk, "She acts like she doesn't need anyone but that's only because life hasn't treated her so kindly." 

Guilt settles in the pit of my stomach, as I look over towards her. She's been out cold for several hours now, worry felt like an ocean and I was drowning in it. Garth gives me a judgmental glare, one I deserve. 

"You've got your brother to go home to....Poppy well she's got nobody...not really. Sure she has Bobby but she doesn't let herself believe she truly has him, and Rue as incredible of a dog that she is....well she's not human." he was right I did have Sam to go too but in the back of my mind...there's a little voice whispering that I want to come home to her too....and that's terrifying. 

All of us snap our attention to her as she begins to stir, Rue sits up her paw softly caressing her. I stand up setting my burger down as I make my way towards the other side of the bed. Her stunning blue eyes slowly flutter open. 

"Hi..." Her voice a little raspy. "Guess I needed a nap." She chuckles trying to lighten the seriousness of this moment. 

"How are you feeling? How's your head? Do you remember what happened?" Sam starts bombarding her with questions. 

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