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I wasn't supposed to hear that, obviously, by the look of panic on Hero's face.

I knew things were going too well between us. It's been...perfect. Magical. I've been subconsciously on edge waiting for the other shoe to drop.

And there it is.

He wants to pull away. Tired of me already.

Taryn's words seep into my brain, digging their jagged edges into every crevice.

And he's keeping something else from me? Sneaking behind my back? I have no idea what Wood meant. Like Hero said, we spend all our time together.

I can't make sense of it.

Hero's chair skids across the floor as he stands. "I thought you were in the shower."

"I decided to skip it and just put my hair up since I'm already running late."

He stutters, flustered. "Jo, that wasn't what it sounded like. Let me explain."

I shift on my feet. "Okay. Explain."

Wood shuffles out of the kitchen, eyes averted, then slips away.

Hero is still standing there at the table, mouth open, not saying anything. "Shit," he finally exhales.

"So, it was what it sounded like?" I turn toward the door.

"I guess it was, partly, but it came out worse than I meant it. And the secret thing I can explain, just not yet⁠—"

He steps toward me, but I hold up my hand. "No, you're right. We do spend all our time together. It's a lot. I get it."


"I don't have time right now. I have to go. We can talk about this later. Hopefully we'll find our new apartment today, and then I can be out of your hair altogether. I'll see you later." I hurry to the door.

He follows me out into the hall. "Josephine, wait. You're upset, don't leave like this."

"I really do have to leave. I'm already late to meet Kat and Macy," I say, stepping into the elevator.

"Please." He stands there, as the elevator doors close, the sharp angles of his face softening, his expression melting like hot candle wax.

The elevator goes down. Down. My phone pings and I glance at it. A text from Hero, saying sorry and he wants to talk.

But I don't know what to say to him right now. What can I say? He said he doesn't want me there with him. He's happy I'm moving out. He wants space, to take a step back from us, and to do whatever else it is he's been apparently doing behind my back.

My stomach rolls.

I'm still standing, staring at the phone in my hand when the elevator dings and the doors open on the ground floor.

I silence it and drop it in my bag. I'll talk to him later, when I've calmed down. I just need a little time. And I really am already late.


"Kat, your sister's here! Come on, we're late," Macy shouts as she opens the door. She turns back to me smiling, though her hair is frazzled, brown eyes are wide, silently pleading for help. "We're supposed to be at the first showing in"—she looks at her phone—"twenty minutes." She lets out a high-pitched little laugh.

"Hey." I smile nervously as she ushers me in. "Sorry I'm late."

"It's okay, Kat is still in the bathroom. I don't even know if she's dressed." Macy throws up her hands and heads for the bathroom.

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