New Roommate

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(p.s: underlined and bold text means author is speaking, this is also a human au so v, j, and n have actual human names and their "drone names" are just nicknames)

Uzi's POV:

It's my first day at college, wooo.... I was given a card saying which number my dorm is, room 606. As I open the door to the room, I see a girl laying down on a bed.

She comes closer to me.

"Huh, so you're the sucker that I'm gonna share a room with." "Yeah?" "I'm gonna be real honest, you're a lot shorter than I expected. *chuckles* Anyways, the name's Vanessa, but you can call me V. You?"

"Uh, my name is Uzi Doorman. And I'm not that short, you're just tall >:|" I answer.

"Whatever you say." V points to the bed on my left.  "You could put your stuff there, that's also where you're gonna sleep" I put my stuff on it. As I take out my poster to put it on the wall, V speaks up. "What's that?" "Oh, it's a poster of a band. They're called My Chemical Robots" "Is that some kind of emo band or something? Guess you're short and edgy *laughs*" "We literally just met and you're making fun of me? Wow this is gonna be an amazing experience." I said sarcastically.

A/N: So imma be real with yall, im not sure how to make v and uzis realtionship go to the ✨romance✨ route but thats a problem for future zepp to deal with. i mean like i guess i could just make the mini chapters while i figure it out :P  (man i can just feel future me cringing at this)

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