Chapter Sixteen

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I hadn't seen or talked to Leon much the last few days, since he was too preoccupied with writing and recording his songs, as Youmix was putting more and more pressure onto him. I felt bad for him for having to work this much, yet I was frustrated, too, as I haven't been used to not seeing him for this long. We would text each other occasionally during his five minute breaks, but that wasn't satisfying enough - not for me at least. Though I decided not to bombard him with my calls and texts, and kept my patience.

Pablo, our principal, called all of the students into the Big Hall to make an announcement. Those happened every now and then, and they pretty much always included either shows at which the best musicians in the Studio would get the chance to perform at, or a baking sale. I dearly hoped it would not be the latter this time.
I walked into the hall to see many people, students just as teachers, pass their waiting period by chatting with each other and playing their instruments, so it was very noisy - just like usual. Pablo was known for his rather belated attendances so I figured that I should find an occupation for myself until he arrived. I looked left and right, trying to spot my friends, which was very difficult due to the various faces in here. Although one face I did notice immediately in the crowd; a face comprising light emerald eyes that were highlighted by dark eyebrows, pink plump lips and evident cheekbones and jawline that were giving his face an intimidatingly sharp structure. Diego caught my goggling, before I remembered his words from the last time we talked and I quickly moved my eyes to the stage where Pablo was supposed to stand on, still feeling his gaze burning into the back of my head. I had also not been talking to him for days, which wasn't effecting me directly, but it did feel like something was missing.
A short while later Fran and Cami spotted and accompanied me, distracting me from Diego's penetrating stare. Pablo eventually appeared - the noise died down as he took a microphone and tapped on the head of the mic a few times before muttering an apology for his delayed arrival into it.

"The reason I called you all in here is because of something our Studio hasn't done for years," Pablo smiled, as I and surely everyone else in here got curious of what it was that he was pointing at.

"Since exams are over, I am announcing the first school dance after three years of pleading and begging me to allow the organization for one. I'm guessing a few of you may have heard of the incident at the last dance, which was the reason for my strictness about dances and proms," He added.

Loud chatter filled the room again, girls were sqealing of excitement and some boys were groaning of disappointment, probably having expected Pablo's announcement to be the reintroduction of boxing lessons by Mr. Peterson or something.
Vaguely remembering The Incident at the last dance I got told about by Leon once, I bit back an amused grin. No matter how idiotic I had found it, I had to admit that it was pretty funny. Seniors plotting to get the eldest female teacher in our school to eat (hash-)brownies and get her high for the sole purpose of entertaining themselves, resulting in the innocent woman to climb up one of the lights and swing herself back and forth like Tarzan on crack, until she crashed into one of the speakers, was kind of funny. Well, in the end the five idiot seniors got expelled and the poor lady got hospitalized, so I did feel a bit bad for finding amusement in the story.

"I'm trusting you guys and I'm hoping that something like that is not going to repeat itself," Pablo warned us. "This years' organization will occur under the supervision of Mr. Casal.

"Students can voluntarily participate in planning and decorating, and join the committee. If anyone happens to get detention in the preperation time, which will start tomorrow and last for about three weeks, they will be condemned to join the committee instead. Thank you, you're dismissed."

Cami, Fran and I were on our way out of the big room as Cami started the conversation, "Oh my gosh, I'm so excited! Do you guys want to join the commitee, though?"

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