Chapter 22.

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New pov.

Anaya and I, came to pickup sejal.
It's his last day in school today and he, will be in grade SEVEN from next month.

He was waiting for this day for so long! He was excited for his vacations and he will enjoy with his grandfather now.

I parked the car and anaya got off to pick him from the school gate.
It's preety high profile school with lot's of high bills. Don't know about the education.

Though, sejal always comes in top 3.
Anaya came back with sejal who always enjoys sitting at the back and us, front.

Anaya smiled and got inside. She is an sweet gurl. She has an beautiful smile and her little blue eye'S (Not a lense tho..) makes her look classy even tho, her profile is already classy and high.

But still, I can never forget the wide smile, the never ending mysterious smirk, dark brown eye'S guy..

" Yay!! Vacation!! " - sejal shouted with excitement.
We chuckled.

" Where do u want to go to enjoy ur vacation then? " - she asked him.
" Bangkok! " - he shouted.

Even tho, we r going there..I still can't remove the memories off my head. Whatever happened, it was gone long ago but still, the memories always haunts me like a nightmare. Even after leaving everything in Thailand, California doesn't do any justice to me. Still the memories haunts me.

" Ofc we r going there honey. But, it's time. Until then, where else? " - she asked again.

" Hong Kong " - he sounds excited.
I and she looked at eachother and laughed.
" Hong Kong? Where did it came from? " - she asked.

" My friend was talking about it. So, I wanted to go as well.. " - he hesitated.
" Ofc we can go there if u want. How about tomorrow? " - I asked and he nodded by being happy...

" Out of everyone!! U new! I trusted --! "

" New? "
Anaya shouted.
I was breathing heavily at this point.

I turned off the shower and after wrapping the towel around my waist, I came out.
She was looking tensed..

" 1 and half hour in a shower..!? U usually take just 30-35 minutes new! "
I didn't realise that..

" I'm sorry..I didn't hear ur call.. " - I uttered while trying to dry my wet hair.
" Even last night, u were blabbering something in ur sleep. Worst is, u started walking somewhere in the middle of ur sleep..? " - she pointed.

Since that day, my nightmares has increased and habit of walking in sleep has increased like the price of onions.

When tae and I were together, I barely had an nighmare and I barely, walked in the middle of the night like that..
But, after all that! It started again.

" New.. " - she called and I realized, I've been quiet. " Yus? " - I wore my clothes and went in the bed while she continued packing our clothes.

" I'm glad that I met u. U never, mistreated sejal in a wrong way and I appreciate that. I'm very glad of that but new..we have been seeing eachother for 2 year's now. I'm ur fiance, we r getting married next month! Still, m I not capable for ur trust? U don't share me ur past, u don't share me ur story, u don't share me ur dreams..nothing. I  want to know u new, before..sejal was the only one, I wanted to live for. But after knowing u, I want to know u. U r my life partner new..please, don't make me feel like I'm still, the same stranger u met two year's ago! "

The way anaya said it all, it hurts. Both of us.
" Sorry anaya..but, I don't want u to think any wrong so let our past --! "
I was cut off.

" I swear, I won't. I just want to know about u "
Should I recall my past to her?
I inhaled and exhaled a long breathe.
I gestured her to sit and she immediately came beside me and she was ready to listen attentively.

I told her everything.
How I met a handsome, smart boy. How we fell in love, how we struggled to stay with eachother, how I betrayed him..
Everything, except his name.
By the time I was done, she was flabbergasted and shocked.

" U betrayed him..? " - she wishpered shockingly.
I looked down in shame.
I did.
But I didn't knew that I would ever betray him.
Before coming in his life, before falling in love!

" Do u have his photo? " - she asked again and I nodded. We have never checked eachothers phone so she don't know.
I showed her his photo.
Our photo..

She smiled and I couldn't control my smile either, after looking at the same photo. I still remember, we stopped eating just to take photo's. It all came out beautiful.

" He is really handsome. Mafia huh! Wau. And, main thing! U two really look cute together! "

" Not anymore.. " - I wishpered sadly.
" Second, he resigned as well...I heard it on the news " - I sigh and closed my phone.

" Mafia " - she laughed and continued again. " Sejal is twelve now. He is getting smart day by day. Including, curious! Don't know where he heard it but he was asking me. 'Mama, what is mafia'? " - she shook her head in so done.

" Kid's r always eager to know thing'S " - I said and she nodded with a smile.
We spent our night by talking eachothers past.

[California to hongkong]

After some freaking long hour of flight, we reached hongkong finallyyyy.
I thought, the plain will never land!

" He looks energetic " - anaya talked about sejal who really was. But I'm tired.
" Can we rest for some moment's before roaming around? U know, me and heights were never Friend'S! " - I said to them while rubbing my tired eye'S. 

" Sure! He can wait! " - anaya assured me and she looks concerned. She is sweet.
We headed to our booked hotel and took our key's.

Sejal jumped on the bed and we also collapsed on the sofa. " I felt like puking all the time.. " - I wishpered and she gave me a glass of water.

" Pool " - sejal pointed from the window. " Wanna go? " - she asked and he nodded.
" Get ready then! "
He smiled.

" Second dad, can I get ur phone? " - sejal sat beside me.
" Sure " - I passed him.
Sometime'S, he ask and I never deny him.

" Wanna bath? " - anaya asked and I nodded.
" After u! " - I added.

" U go new. I will go in the pool with sejal "
" Oky! ".... 

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