Chapter 40. [Have a nice day!]

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(After one year)

" Tay!! I will catch cold stop it. Not only me, even u will!! "
New was wrapped around tay arm's and tay was rubbing his wet hair at new face.
" More nice. Both husband's r gonna get sick together! " - Tay teased more.

" We have wedding to attend mr husband!! We should get ready!! " - New rubbed tay hair and more drop of water flied across.

" We have a wedding to attend and it's OUR OWN!! So! We have lot's of time left! " - tay said and kissed new lips.
New kissed back and they started sucking eachother lips.
Tawan kept his hand'S at new cheeck and deepened the kiss.

Both of them closed their eye'S and nibbled eachother lips. They were so into it that they forgot their surrounding and they also forgot that it's their wedding today.

They were just busy exploring eachother.
Anaya and stefi looked at eachother when they came at their room door.
They turned otherside and wishpered to eachother. " I'm not seeing anything. R u? " - anaya asked stefii who shook her head.
" Nop. I was always blind! " - S.

Tay and new came back from their world and new tried to separate but tay hold him in between of his arm's, more tightly.
" Com'on gurl'S. Stop teasing " - new said and both of them turned front while smiling.

They proceed to walk toward'S the groom's but stefi almost tripped in her own gown if she hadn't hold anayas arm.
Anaya immediately hold her back.
" What r u doing!? Sit here! " - anaya made her sit at the bed and she hardly sat.

She was with the big womb..
" I will talk with dreaky. Where is he huh!? By leaving his pregy wife alone!? " - tawan scolded and they also separated now.

" No please. He will lock me in the room again if he heard it. He denied me to walk more but it's just me..who is not listening anyone. Com'on, I want to enjoy too! "

" Tomorrow is ur wedding after us and in this state, u should rest stefii. U r too careless " - new.

She laughed. " Com'on, instead of enjoying! U all started scolding me now. I'm fine! But please don't tell this to dreaky! I wanna enjoy too, I don't want to stay inside one room 24 hr! It's irritating and suffocating!! "

" Ur gown is too long. I've some extra short gowns. Wanna try? " - anaya sat beside and asked her.

" Gurl'S carry way too many clothes for one functions huh! " - New teased.
" If something happened to one then other will work. So it is necessary! U boy's lifestyles is easy. Wear one and it will be done for 2-3 day'S! " - anaya.
" True. Doesn't matter how rich they r! " - stefi agreed and laughed.

" Hello my beautiful wife and other'S! " - dreaky came in with lot's of shopping bags. He then kissed stefii forehead and sat beside her.

" Now u r coming huh! U left her all alone " - tay scolded.
" My wife wanted clothes so I went to bring some for her " - he hugged her.
She smiled at him.

" Oh hello! U aren't married yet! Leave her to me! " - anaya kept his hand aside and hugged stefi from side.
" Excuse me lady!! Ur husband downstairs is waiting for u! Give my wife to me and go and handle him "

" Don't give excuses. He is with kaido and royan. U go down with boy's. We two will look after the groom's "- anaya pointed the new-soon-to-be wedded couple.

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