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First replies!! Hopefully the questions will keep coming and everyone will spam, so I can make multiple parts on every story :)

ROSE (2 years after the OG story)

"What's your favorite color?"

R - Pink. 

"My queen have you met Gally?"

R - I think I did.

R - Pretty sure he was holding me and forcing me to watch as Janson beat Thomas up and then shot Chuck. 

"So what does the ring look like?"

R - Sadly I haven't received one yet 

R - Hopefully soon.

R - Tell him it has to be shiny

"Do you ever wish you stayed in the UK?"

R - Yes and no. It think it would've spared me from a lot but unless Newt and his online friend (Lady Glitter Pie) decided to meet up, I would've never met Thomas either. So in the end, I think I'm okay with the move.

"Do you wish Thomas told you instead of doing everything by himself?"

R - Yes.

"Did you continue ballet and go pro?"

R - Thomas and I hired an apartment about a year after everything happened and we made one of the rooms a ballet studio so I could continue. So yes, I continued. And no, I didn't become a pro, unfortunately. 

R - I wish I did but many people around me told me not to. Plus, I'm getting older so eventually it gets hard to dance as well as before. 

"Did Thomas ever go pro on hockey?"

R - Nope. He never wanted to. He's studying science and math (things I don't understand).

"Who are your best friends?"

R - Aris and Teresa. 

"What are your kids' names gonna be?"

R - I have no idea. Don't even know if I want kids 

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