Surgery Sycosis Saga Part 3

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*Outside of the library*

"So, Your big sister wants to teach me martial arts?" Neko asked.

"Yeah." Atota answered.

Neko giggled before asking.

"Why?" Neko asked.

"For self defense." Atota answered.

"Me, Learning how to fight? I'd be insane to ruin my appearances." Neko protested.

Atota sighed with his eyes closed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and squinted before saying.

"I told Otata this would happen. Look, Otata wants to take a nice and gentle approach with you in your training." Atota reasoned.

"A nice and gentle approach, huh?" Neko asked.

"It's like an itch that Otata has. She doesn't want me to be her only protege forever." Atota said.

"It gets lonely for her? In terms of gender." Neko specified her question.

There's brief moment of silence before Atota says.

"Yeah." Atota said.

Neko hesitates before saying.

"Okay, I'll give it a shot." Neko said.

"You will? Otata will be so stoked." Atota said.

"So, What are my training days? And, When do I start?" Neko asked.

"You'll have to ask Otata about that." Atota said.

"Okay, Then." Neko said.

*Urban Park*

"So, I spoke with Neko about you training her." Atota brought up.

"Really? What did she say?" Otata asked with excitement.

"She will.... Take you on as her mentor." Atota said with anticipation.

"Eeeeeeeeeee!" Otata said in squeaky excitement and happiness as she shrugged her shoulders up and down repeatedly.

"She wants to know what days and how many hours she will be training for." Atota said.

"There's the shop and we have to sell that product and collect that paper." Otata thought about it.

"I'll take care of the shop, while you train Neko." Atota suggested.

"Well, no.... We're still going to be able to run the store together. I'm just going to arrive in the afternoon." Otata said.

"So, Mornings it is?" Atota asked.

Otata chuckled before saying.

"I guess so." Otata said.

"Alright. I'll let Neko know." Atota said.

Otata & Atota continue their walk in the park. Until, Otata spots Eldri getting a soda from a concession stand.

"Hey, Eldri!" Otata greeted.

"Oh, Hey Otata!" Eldri greeted.

"How's it going?" Otata asked.

"I'm well." Eldri answered.

"Oh, Eldri. This is my baby brother, Atota." Otata said introducing Atota to Eldri.

"I saw you at the beach parking lot the other day." Atota mentioned as he shakes Eldri's hand.

"It's cool to meet you, Atota." Eldri said.

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