Chapter Eleven | The Fall | Linh

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The Fall, Excerpt 1: Linh

Linh was vaguely wondering where Stina went. Oh well, what did it matter? If Stina wanted to be alone that wasn't Linh's problem.

Except what if it kept nagging at her. Did she say something wrong? Did she make Stina feel uncomfortable? 

Linh hated it when she thought these types of things.

But still. . . it wouldn't hurt to go check- would it?

"Hang, on," she said to Maruca, "I'm going to go find Stina."

"Alright," said Maruca, a little surprised, but Linh had already started walking.

The hall was so crowded with students in dresses and suits, and Linh had probably overused the words "excuse me," in the act of getting out.


Linh turned around. It was Tam, sprinting up to catch up with her. He was having slightly, but when he saw Linh, she saw the panic in his eyes.

"Tam, what's wrong?" she said, crouching down to get eye level with him.

"Nothing- nothing's wrong," said Tam wearily, but his knees were still shaking. "I just have to speak with Marella."

"Marella?" Linh said, surprised, "Why?"

"We were going to practice this one skill with Wylie," said Tam.

Linh was feeling confused, but she brushed it off. "Well, I don't know where she is- I haven't seen her in a couple of days."

"Really?" said Tam, "But her mom said she saw her with you- here."

"What?" Linh said, dumbfounded.

That was when the talk around them turned to screams.

People were running towards the exits, pushing past the twins.

What was going on?

Linh spun around and gasped. Something had caught on fire, and it was spreading across the room. She watched some Hydrokinetics try and fight it off, but the fire seemed to swallow the water.

These weren't ordinary flames.

"Tam, go find Maruca- and leave, I'll get Stina."

Linh turned around, but Tam grabbed her wrist.

"What?" she said.

In the firelight, Tam's eyes were bright with worry.

"Linh, you could get hurt- you need to leave and trust that Stina can make it out."

"No!" Linh twisted away from Tam's grip as a piece of the roof fell down. "I can't leave my friend!"

She started running towards the door. Linh was almost there, she reached out her hands to push the doors open.

But instead, the flames licked her hands. She screamed, trying to summon the water to fight it off, but it didn't work.

Linh fell backwards as someone caught her. They were trying to get the fire off her hands. But Linh soon fainted before she could tell if it worked or not.


A/N: Yes, this isn't random- it's the start of a tWisT. a good cInNiMoN tWist! 

I am so sorry, I think my sense of humor is broken. Anyway, have a great day!

Happy Reading!

- will0w-tree

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