Midnight Mischief: The Legend of Kuroo Tetsuro

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Akaashi was terrified. He thought he could escape it by hiding under the covers. To be fair, he was only eight years old, so he didn't know you couldn't escape everything by hiding under the covers.

Right now, the village keiji lived in was currently on fire. He could hear yelling and screaming of terror. Something that stood out to him was the giggling and the high pitched voice yelling "goodnight" just before there were even louder screams of pain.

There was thumping outside of his room before the bedroom door swung open. He couldn't see who it was but it could only be one person, his grandmother.

The sheets were flung off of him but he kept his eyes squeezed shut. He was lifted out of his bed, then the person who was carrying him started running. His grandmother couldn't run. Yet the poor boy was too scared to open his eyes.

He headed a door open and the screaming and the giggling got louder. It was like he could feel it, yet everything happened so fast. He finally had the courage to open his eyes. Right at he did, his eyes locked with sparking Hazel ones.

What he didn't notice was that the person who he had locked eyes with was floating, towards him. He had also failed to notice that this person was the one who had set the village on fire.

The person who was carrying him ran, he reached out, and so did the boy who was floating. In those couple of seconds, keiji had somehow managed to take in the boys appearance.

The boy had black hair, Hazel eyes and horns. Demon horns. He didn't find it weird. He wanted to touch them. To touch the boy.

He somehow managed to escape the person's grasp, the person didn't even try to stop him from going to the boy. They just left him. All the villagers either left or died. He didn't notice that though. The only thing on his mind was getting to the boy and touching his horns.

It took him a little while to reach the boy but when he did the boy cracked a smile- a very wide, creepy smile. With very pointy teeth. Keiji gave a toothy grin in return.

Keiji reached up to touch the boys horns and the boy didn't move, just smiled. "Hello" said keiji softly. "Hi! ". They just sat there in silence, keiji touching the boy's horns.

The fire had spread and the boy had made keiji run away. He ran through the forest for hours before he passes out. He woke in a house, there was a man sitting on the side of the bed he was in. The man noticed he was up and explained everything to him. Apparently he had been found in the forest and taken to a village. He would be living with this man and his mother.

It had been years since keiji had thought about the black haired boy. He hadn't forgotten about him though. Keiji now lived in a city instead of a village.

" aniki, can I go out now? " Keiji had asked his brother. His brother said yes and he ran outside

It took a little while for Keiji to realize, he was lost. He had need walking around near the forest and had decided to play in it. He was chasing some kind a animal he thought was a squrell. Or a cat. He had caught up to it and was about to grab it when it vanished. He should have been focusing on that but now he was lost in a forest.

He was stuck walking around the forest. He had been walking in a line for hours before he bumped into something. He thought it was a tree so he looked up at it.

Instead of brown and green, his eyes met with Hazel ones. The ones form so long ago that he had almost forgotten them. He would never forget that perfect face, and pretty smile.

He gazed in too those Hazel eyes staring back at him. He opened his mouth to say something, but the person in front of him vanished before he could get anything out. He was stuck in place, staring at that same spot before realizing that he was back in the city, staring at the door of his house. He glanced around, deciding to ignore that interaction and not question how he got here from the forest. He walked back into his house, greeting his mother and brother. "Did you have fun? " he's mother asked. He didn't answer, instead walking upstairs and into his room.

He didn't want to worry about it because he was only 15 and didn't need this much stress. He decided to busy himself with house chores to get his mind off of it. He forgot about it completely by the end of the day.

It was keiji's 18th birthday. He was finally an adult and could make his own choices. The first choice he decided to make was to party. Bad idea.

Keiji had to recall over and over what he did to be in the situation. He was tied to a pole with a demon bou sucking him off. He couldn't complain because Danny, he had a good mouth. But Now he didn't know how to get out of this situation. He was stuck, tied up, moaning and writhing, thrusting deeper into the boys mouth. Keiji didn't know how long he had been there, and it had felt like hours before the boy had stopped sucking. Keiji let out a whine of disapprovement and was untied.

"You did so well master! " the demon boy basically yelled in his ear.

Keiji had to take a couple seconds to process what the demon boy had just said. Keiji blinked once, then twice, his eyes widening. 'Master!?'

Keiji didn't know what to say. He was speechless. "Master? "

"Yes, you're our master, remember? " Keiji was even more confused now. What did this boy mean by our and remember?

Keiji had put back on his clothes and the boy had explained it to him. Keiji didn't think he heard anything the boy had said, because for some reason, the boy was seated in has lap. Keiji's arms wrapped around his waist to support him. The boy didn't seem bothered at all. Keiji had at least listened to the important parts of the explanation.

Apparently, keiji was the master of this demon in his lap (named kuroo tetsuro, he just found that out) and two other demons. Keiji was excited to become an adult but he didn't expect this. He had a mark along his back that bonded the four of them together. What keiji had thought was a birth mark for all these years was actually a 'bonding mark'. The demon had also explained that he would have to follow keiji everywhere, and he could turn into a cat. Keiji's mission was to find the other two demons.  Keiji didn't even know where to start, but hopefully this domon could help.

Keiji's mom hod bought him a house in the forest, which he was thankful for. The demon had teleported him to his new house. It took keiji a second to realize that a pretty demon boy was going to be following him around everywhere, and he was going to have to find two more demons.

Tetsuro gave keiji some tips on where to find them, and what time is best. They also decided what day to go looking for them. Keiji took a deep breath, letting all of the information he received today sink in.


•kuroo tetsuro•

Occupation:annoying sidecick
Hair color:black with red highlights
Eye color: Hazel, turns red with excitement
Type of demon:snowflake demon, usually gentle, easily irritable, easily excited
Current feeling: happy, tired, content

•Akashi keiji•

Occupation:demon master, with an annoying sidecick
Hair color:black roots, teal ends
Eye color :green-teal
Current feeling:confused, tired

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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