The Fight

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Heads up guys, there's a guy named Deon in here, his name is Leon in the movie, but Deon sounded better, sorry if you have any problems with that.

Three cars sped up the highway towards a truck that held their fortune. The first car sped up in front of the truck and slowed down, forcing it to slow down too. The second came up the side and the last, stayed behind.

The sun roof opened up on the first car and a person with a harpoon gun shot it through the window. He yanked the gun and the glass ripped out of the trucks frame, smashing onto the ground. The first car sped up and the second car came up in front of the truck. Another masked person came though the sun roof and shot a second harpoon at the seat, it lodged securely and she hitched it to her belt and jumped across to the truck. The second car moved back to the side of the vehicle.

The person shot the driver, who was viciously fighting back, with a tranquilliser gun and it knocked him out almost instantly, after he swung his puny bat at her, making him lose his energy. The girl shook herself off and then controlled the truck and drove through two roadworks, causing the cars to become perfectly aline with the truck. The second car swerved and went underneath the truck. They drove the truck through the deserted streets of LA, to unload their bounty.


The red work ute pulled up in a free parking space and the hot shot, Brian Spindler(Don't get used to the name, because it's not his real name! Spoiler alert!) got out of the car and walked over to the café. The brown hair, brown eyed girl looked up and smiled from doing paperwork. Her name was Mia, Mia Toretto, little sister of Dominic Torretto. She glanced at her older brother, who was out back and made her way over to Brian.

"Tuna on white, no crust, right?" She asked.

"I don't know, how is it?" He asked looking down at the motor magazine her had brought in.

"Every day for the past three weeks, you've been coming in here and asking me how the tuna is. Now it was crappy yesterday, it was crapy the day before and guess what? It hasn't changed." She said.

"I'll have the tuna." He smirked.

"No crust?"

"No crust." He clarified. She prepared his sand which, while she was doing that he glanced up as the brother got out of his chair and grabbed another beer and sat back down again. She gave him the crappy tuna sandwich. "Thank you."

She just looked at him, then noticed the magazine and spun it around so she could read it. They both looked up when they heard the sound of engines, real engines. A red racing car, a yellow racing car, a blue racing car, a white racing car and a black racing car, all stickered up for performance, came in sync around the two corners and parked themselves in front of the café.

A big fat guy, Vince, stepped out of the blue one, a chick with dark brunette hair and dark skin, looking badass and sexy in a cut off and army pants along with steel capped boots, Letty Ortiz, Dom's girlfriend, stepped out of the red one. A guy, Deon, stepped out of the yellow car and another guy name Jesse stepped out of the white one. Finally, a girl stepped out of the black car, at the end, dressed in navy tracksuit pants, a white cut-off shirt and black Volley's. Her hair was light brown and her skin paler than Letty's, her hair was up high, in a messy bun. Her name was Riley, Riley Violet.

"Talk to me Jesse. This isn't working brother." Vince said.

"It's your fuel man. It's got a nasty hole, that's why your lowering in third."

"I told you." Vince said.

"No wrong, I told you. Anyway, I put that there and an intersection ther-" Vince cut him off and pointed to the red ute opposite their cars.

He turned. "What's up with this boy. What is he sandwich crazy?"

"No he ain't here for the food bro." Deon said.

"Shut up guys, he's just slinging parts for Harry man." Letty said.

"Yeah I know what he's slinging." Vince said.

Riley smirked at him. "Jealous?"

Vince glared at her, but she just walked around behind the counter to join the girl. "Hey guys." Mia said.

"Sup, Mia." Jesse said, walking past.

"How you doin' girl?" Letty said walking past and walked into the back room. "Hey Dom, do you want a drink?"

He just put up his hand which held the fresh beer, he had just got out of the fridge. Riley turned on him. "Jeez, Dom be more respectful to your girlfriend. Or I will come round there and beat up to a pulp. Got it? Jeez if Jess, ever treated me like that, I'd slap him." She muttered the last part.

Brian, who sat at the counter still looked astonished at the our burst and how scary she looked. She gave him a friendly smile. Dom turned around to look at her. She cocked an eyebrow at him and he inhaled annoyed. He turned to face Letty. "No thank you Letty."

Riley spun back around and winked at Letty on the way. "Good, at least you didn't have to go through the embarrassment of getting your butt kicked by a girl."

Jesse and Deon, laughed from where they were examining the sunglasses. Dom turned and glared at them and they shut up. Brian smiled, but it soon disappeared as Vince walked over and aggressively slid a bag of mints down the table, so it hit his hand. He looked up and met Vince's gaze, defiantly.

The boys in the back, put on random sunglasses and examined the guy. "Argh his beautiful." Jesse commented.

"Yeah, I like his hair cut." Deon agreed.

"Jesse, if you change your hair, I won't go out with you. Deon can, but you can't." Riley said. She glances at Mia, then Jesse, and they burst out laughing at his expression.

"Vince. Vince!" Mia yelled at him.

He finally tore his gaze away from Brian and looked her up and down. From behind Mia's back, Riley glared at him, which made him flinch and he stopped checking her out. "What?"

"Can I get you anything?" She asked politely.

"You look good." Vince commented.

Mia rolled her eyes and turned as Riley's glare increased, so much that it bothered her and she had to turn to Letty, who was on the other side of the counter, for comfort. "I'm going to-" she balled up her fists.

"Yeah, I know your going to kill him. I know." Letty soothed and glared at Vince.

He rubbed his temples and he knew he was in for it. Brian turned to Mia. "Well thanks a lot Mia. See ya tomorrow." He chucked down some notes and went out of the café.

Vince looked after him. "Wow."

"I love this part." Deon said. Riley turned and laughed with them.

"No!" Vince got up and walked after Brian. "Try pat burgers from now on. Get a double cheese, with fries, for $2.95 faggot."

"I like the tuna here." Brian turned his head, saying it smoothly.

"Bullshit, asshole no one likes the tuna here." Vince picked up his pace.

"Yeah, well I do." Brian said and went for the door handle of his truck.

Vince pushed him into it, and Brian turned and got him fair and square in the face. They started fighting and both Mia and Riley rolled their eyes. Everyone stopped mucking about in the back and looked at the scene. Riley laughed as Vince was clearly losing.

Mia turned to Dom. "Jesus Christ! Will you get out there Dom, I'm sick of this shit!" He just sat there, not looking fazed. "I'm not kidding Dom, get out there!"

Dom finally stood up and looked at the fight, then back at her. "What you put in that sandwich?"

Riley burst out laughing and Letty had to look down, at the counter to hide her smile. "Oh, that's funny." Mia snapped.

"Dom!" Riley yelled and looked from the fight, back to him.

He looked back at Vince been beaten to a pulp. "Alright."

Riley Violet/Fast and Furious FanFic(No.1)Where stories live. Discover now