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I'm beyond upset, furious, frustrated I'm beyond all that shit! She gone fire me ? FOR WHAT? I ain't do shit, but I promise I'll be out here shit by the time she walks out the fucking prison doors I promise you i will I ain't never need nobody and...

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I'm beyond upset, furious, frustrated I'm beyond all that shit! She gone fire me ? FOR WHAT? I ain't do shit, but I promise I'll be out here shit by the time she walks out the fucking prison doors I promise you i will I ain't never need nobody and I damn for sure don't need them now!

"Auntie?" Mia came in my room I was laid out my bed , I sat up and pat my bed "yes?" She looked like she's been crying "I heard everything, I just pretend I didn't I hear but I did I heard every damn thing! I'm actually Taraji daughter , my mom took me away from her she don't want my siblings even tho it's hers and the cherry on top she has another child on the way.. how I went from a happy only child to a dysfunctional family with three siblings?" I just shrugged my shoulders "baby everyone has a dysfunctional family but listen when Taraji is out we all are going to have a talk about this because this is effecting y'all too."

She smiled and I hugged her as she left I fell back on my chest "WHY"

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 : 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥

We all dressed up nice and sat in he front row of the court house! I was pissed off with her still , she I'm not making eye contact at all just here to hear the bail amount and her release date .

"ALL RISE" i could tell I was going to be pissed off the whole time! "How would the defendant like to plead?" Taraji lawyer stood "Not Guilty" I felt eyes on me but I stayed on my phone the whole time .

After a hour I feel asleep Kyla tapped me I kinda felt bad , I slept through the whole time "Bail has been set at 150,000" I asked Kyla what happened im so lost right now "she was proven not guilty, she has bail now"-"good." I got up and left all them

I went to Taraji house and packed my shit, as I was putting my shoes in the box Kourtney , Kyla , and Mia walked in "where are you going?" Kourtney asked "your mother said I was fired when she get home so fuck her and please tell her I said that! When Ms Ruby pay the bail and she get the release date I'll be gone ! LONG GONE"

I yelled taping the last box , Kourtney came to me and hugged me "no no no stop! stop it right now your not leaving" I rolled my eyes "you don't have a choice" I got up and walked out with the box "Wait fantasia that's really unnecessary" I scoffed and took my arm out of her hand "the bitch said termination the fuck I look like begging a bitch ? Fuck out of here" 

I packed the rest of my shit and put it in a storage unit and got a hotel, I will NEVER begged a bitch to stay at there place or keep a job!

Taraji POV:

Fantasia never once looked at me! She literally fell asleep , as soon as she heard the bail amount she up and left she must be really upset! Ima call her later right now it's lunch

"Inmate Lunch!" I got up and went to the long ass line , and of course Tiffany was behind me "damn girl ? If I knew pregnant people get these privileges I would've been let warden Ely knock me up" I laughed "baby I'm Jewish this is not pregnant privileges we literally get wheat bread and pb&j shits nasty"-"wait for real" i shook my head "hell no I can't eat that slop y'all eat" she laughed

"Well im going to be leaving in a while, you can have my commissary and shit like that" she smiled "YES" she yelled everyone turned to us

Then Fucking Queen Latiafh just had to fuck with us "hey pretty, hey tiff what's so exciting?" She did in a sarcastic manner "nothing for you" she got in my face "I'd hate to make little bean go away!" I wasn't afraid by her little ass threats "bitch back the fuck up your in here for grand theft I'm in here because they think I can be the Notorious Killer P so please get a grip because we are not the same bitch!" I got up and walked away these bitches keep trying me! And only if she knew I was ten times better than killer p she's killed plenty of people but always leaves a trail not me I've killed ten times more and no one has ever expected me, wanna know why ? Because who would expect the millionaire daughter to be that ?

I decided to call fantasia ... it rung like four times until she answered

"What? I'm already packed and my shits out so you don't have to remind me of anything!"
"Oh..okay that wasn't my question I wanted you to ask my mom when's my bail date"
"I don't remember like Wednesday or Friday I don't remember nor care, they call you when it's release time won't they?...are we done here?"
"Um I-"

She hung up what the fuck was she so mad about? I- ohh she mad because I fired her I didn't mean it for real because ima need more help now that I'm having another baby.

"Now what ima do?"

Jody POV:

"Daddy come get me mommy is making fantasia leave and I don't want to be without her I grew attached to her in these six months"
"Daddy is on the way just have your clothes packed"

I got in my car and started to drive to Taraji house , when I pulled in I seen fantasia in the driveway crying , I opened her door and held her over the middle console "what's wrong?"-"i d-don't w-wanna leave J-J-Jody I've grown fond of this house, this crazy ass family, I've had the best memories here I don't wanna leave but I gots to.." I just rubbed her back damn everything in this family was falling apart and I don't think nobody can save it "fantasia your not leaving okay ? This family wouldn't be the same without you we love you and I pretty sure Taraji is just upset about being set up"-"no I'm pretty sure it's them damn pregnancy hormones but whatever I'm leaving now" I'm just going to pretend like she didn't say Taraji was pregnant "alright I'll see you" I got up and she pulled off

Everyone had everyone fucked up !

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