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This was quite a long chapter...

I watched 3 hours of basketball to learn nothing new other than my stock knowledge!

Anyways! Enjoy i loved writing this

(Apologies for all the edits, idk why Wattpad is being such a bitch and deleting the things i put 😡)



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liked by nattyiceoffical and others

Petition to bring this hair back @lee.evans
I miss when i used to be available to put ribbons in your hair like danny 😥


“Where the hell are my keys?!”

Jean exclaimed as she looked around all over their hotel, panicking as she did.

It was already the 8th of September and it was Saturday and she spent the rest of the other days practicing basketball again like when she was in highschool. Which means, it was the first day of the fundraiser that their band is supporting which also means Jean had to pick up Taylor from her apartment in the middle of the city in New York.

“Dude calm down! You probably just left it in your pocket from your last clothes.” Lee suggested as he sighed when he noticed that Jean's clothes were all over the hotel room floor.

“Great idea.” She says as she went into another luggage, causing more madness on the hardwood flooring of their room.

Thankfully, Jean did find her keys for her red 1970 Chevelle 408 stroker in the pocket of her jacket, good thing she didn't lose it because it was probably the only presentable car that she owns. Jean had to fly out this car from Kansas to New York which cost a fortune but at this point, she had to do it because it's literally Taylor Swift she's picking up and not just a random girl that would be impressed by a black bmw.

Lee and Danny were already good to go and all dressed up even though it was still quite early in the night. Jean on the other hand was stressing if she looked underdressed or something. She was only wearing a light red knitted sweater and some dress pants since she thought she was gonna change anyways for the basketball game later.

“I'm gonna head out you two.” Jean says as she grabs her keys on top of the cabinet as the two sit on the bed.

“Goodluck, don't crash your car though.” Danny joked and Jean laughed sarcastically.

“Very funny, Dan.” She says before leaving and heading to the parking lot of the Bowery hotel as Jean pulled out her phone to chat to Taylor she was coming.

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