Chapter 1

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A\N: This is  a Keenler twoshot, a rewrite of 1x06. In this twoshot, Tom confesses to  the murder which breaks Keen and it's up to Ressler put the pieces of her broken heart back together. 

FBI Agent Elizabeth Keen doesn't want to believe this, but the evidence is all laid out before her eyes, it's as good as a confession in the U.S Attorney's eyes. 

Her husband killed Viktor Fokin. 

She spins away from the board and storms to where the interrogation rooms are. She needs answers, and she's going to get them one way or another, even if she has to torture them out of her husband.

Just as she's about to wrench open the door and confront her husband, an arm hooks around her waist, stopping her. 

"Keen, don't. I know you want to kill him, I do too, but you need to calm down and let Cooper handle this one." Ressler says into her ear. She struggles in his arms as her partner drags her away from the interrogation rooms and back to where the team is waiting, they all look at her with pity. 

"Keep her away from her husband. I'd say take her home but I don't want her alone, seeing as we can't spare anyone to stay with her, so keep her here, Agent Ressler. " Cooper orders firmly before he goes to interrogate Tom one final time. "Let me go, Ressler!" Liz shouts, struggling once more, this time with Ressler  dragging to the bullpen but his grip around her waist is like iron: impossible to break. 

"No!" Her partner snaps at her. Tears build up behind her eyes as she gives up the struggle and goes limp in her partners hold. Sobs wrack her frame. Ressler spins her and hugs her, she digs her fingers into his back as she sobs, trying to keep herself from falling apart at the seams. 

"It's okay, Keen, it's gonna be okay, I promise you, god I promise." Her partner says to her, but she just shakes her head and pulls away from him. She pulls her rings from her hand and drops them in the trash can that's overflowing with coffee cups and lunch take out containers

After dropping her rings into the trash can, she turns to her partner, and the rest of her team. "Why?!" She asks them, the tears still flowing down her face. 

No one says anything because they don't have the answers for her. 

"Lizzie." A familiar voice says. 

Tom is being perp walked by Cooper, his hands cuffed behind his back. 

Just as she goes to launch herself at her husband, Ressler catches her by her waist and lifts her off her feet, turning her into his chest. She wraps her legs around his waist so he's holding her on his hip like a child.

"Tell me why you destroyed everything we built! Tell me why you destroyed my life! Tell me why you broke my heart! Tell me something that isn't a lie!" She pleads with Tom. Tom just looks at Ressler, not speaking to his wife. 

"Take care of her for me. All of you." Is all her husband says.

"Don't worry," Aram begins as he stands beside Ressler. "we will." Meera finishes as she places a hand on Liz's back. 

"We'll take care of her better than you. We'll fix what you broke." Ressler tells her husband, who only nods in response. 

"Ressler, take her home and call Reddington. Stay with her, make sure she's okay." Cooper says before he leads Tom away from them. 

They're all silent after Cooper and Tom have left, all in  the same spots. "We'll call Reddington, you just get her home." Aram says. "I'll bring your stuff later." Meera tells Ressler who only nods and, after asking Aram to get his car keys from his and Liz's office, walks to the elevator, Liz still on his hip. 

Ressler doesn't take Liz back to her place, he knows she won't want to go back there, instead he takes her back to his where he lays her on the couch and hands her the TV remote. 

"Put whatever you want, do you want a drink or anything?" He asks as he takes off her shoes and places them on the floor. 

"Answers would be good." She replies hoarsely. Ressler sits down beside her and wraps an arm around her shoulder and sighs. 

"And I promise you, you'll get answers at some point but not right now." He says. Liz leans into him and allows the tears to fall once more. 

" was all a lie." She sobs into him, Ressler tightens his arm around her shoulder. 

"I'm so sorry, Liz. I really am." Ressler says. 

"It's like my heart has broken into a million pieces, and no amount of glue will put them back together again." He doesn't have an answer for that. 

He's not surprised when she falls asleep from crying. He presses a kiss to the crown of her head. 

"One day, your heart will heal and I'll be here when it does, no matter how long it takes." He whispers before he stands up and scoops his sleeping, heartbroken partner into his arms and walks to his bedroom where he lowers her into the bed, covering her with the blankets. 

He stands near the door and just admires his sleeping partner. Even from where he's standing, she looks broken, a shell of who she was yesterday. But he meant what he whispered to her: her heart will one day heal, and he'll be there when it does, no matter how long it takes because he's her partner, he's supposed to be by her side, and he will. 

Liz wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, warm and in  her clothes from yesterday. she feels awful: her head is pounding, her eyes feel puffy as it hits her like a bullet leaving the chamber of a gun: unseen. 

Tom is a murderer. And a liar. 

Her heart is in a million pieces. In too many pieces be scraped up and put together again. 

She sits up, the covers falling to her waist as she takes in her surroundings: she knows where she is instantly: Ressler's bedroom. It makes sense she'll be in his apartment seeing as Cooper ordered him to take her home, but her partner already  knew her well enough  to know not to take her to the home she shared with Tom. 

She walks out of her partner's bedroom and into his kitchen where Ressler is drinking coffee. He gives her a smile when he sees her. "Hey, how you feeling?" He asks as he hands her a cup of coffee which she takes with a smile. "Awful, like it's not real, but at the same time it is real. Ugh, I've got to go home and change my clothes and feed Hudson before work." She dreads going home, to the place where everything changed with her and her husband. Ressler is shaking his head. "Meera dropped some of your things and is dog sitting Hudson for however long you need her to, her kids love him and told me to tell you that you might not get him back." He says, her smile grows just a little bit. "Hey, Liz, you don't have to go to work today if you don't want to, Cooper'll understand if you take a few days off." Liz shakes her head. 

"I can't stay here alone and think about everything, I need to be distracted and finding Gina Zanetakos will keep me distracted. I'll be fine, I promise." Ressler just gives her a long look. Finally he sighs and nods. 

"Your bag is near the door, towels and shampoo are in the bathroom, we leave in half an hour." She quickly drains her coffee, grabs her bag and runs into the bathroom to take a shower. 

As she expected, no one was surprised when she turned up at the Post Office with Ressler but she could feel their eyes on her all day, particularly Ressler's and Reddington's who was told what had transpired by Aram and Meera. 

"Lizzie, I really think you should go home." Reddington says when he sees her puffy eyes, Liz just rolls her eyes at the criminal. "For the last time, I'm fine." She snaps at Reddington, even though it's meant for everyone. 

"I want answers and because I won't get from Tom, getting from Gina Zanetakos is the next best thing even if I have torture them out of her." She glares at her team before turning away and storming up the stairs to her and Ressler's shared office. 

She needs some space, and she's glad when everyone realises that and doesn't follow her. 

A\N: This has been sitting untouched for about a week, half finished until today. I have one more chapter to write before I can mark it as 'complete', I hope to have it done by tonight but no promises, enjoy, Angels.

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