Chapter 1, Page 3

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April 15, 2008

As the boy is training, he finally finished and decided to go to the next hierarchy, so as he opens the portal it leads him to the next level!
The portal opens up and pops out the boy, and the realm he is in is the realm of cypher which is the goddess Cyphera who is a blonde Caucasian looking woman... she wears a medieval shining golden armor with a spear and great sword!

(Side Note: I will address every character on how they look basing off of their skin color, hair color, eye color and how their appearance would look like etc... so that way y'all can easily picture how the characters look! Because I cannot draw or animate stuff lol so hopefully it can make things easier for y'all!)

Another Side Note: The Boy looks like an East Asian character with jet black spiky hair with dark pupils. He is muscular for a child that is not even a teen yet.

The boy jumps into the air and flew straight ahead, he is heading towards the most powerful energy source which of course is the goddess.
The goddess Cyphera sense this and can tell someone has entered her realm without permission and the person seems to be sadistic and bloodlusted so she was on guard real quick!

The boy finale reached his destination and landed a few meters away from Cyphera.

Cyphera thoughts: A child? No, he's no ordinary child. I have to be cautious of him, I can sense his killing intent.

Cyphera: Who are you child?

The boy just stands there with a sadistic grind then he showed his creepy side smile and attacks her immediately without saying a word.
To Cyphera surprise that the boy just attacks her without saying a word! She effortlessly dodges it.

Cyphera thoughts: W-wait a minute, if he was able to get through here then that just mean- no... it can can't be!!!


The boy knew exactly what she meant and he started to laugh maniacally as he remembered that he killed Li Shun, Alas and Shyron.


Cyphera full of rage immediately charged at the boy with killing intent!
The boy blocks her kick then tries to throw a uppercut buy Cyphera blocked it and she tries to slam him on the ground but the boy manage to break loose of her grip and back handedly threw a roundhouse kick which hit her in the face.
Both then jumps back a couple of metered away from each other and both stared down at each other with killing intent!

Cyphera thoughts: He's powerful for a child. Never in my life have I seen such powerful child before. He's even more powerful than Shen when he was at that age.

Cyphera then sees the boy is doing something and she recognizes that ability he is about to perform!
The Omega Nova Absorption! And he is trying to erase her from all existence. But Cyphera waste no time and deflected it by using the Negation beam! Shooting it out of her palm! It is a crimson red energy beam they can negate any attack!

The boy looks at this and was angry so he charged in immediately and started to use his fighting style! Aka the Mirage Style!! He threw in multiple precise strikes, trying to hit her pressure points, but she manage to block a couple but got hit by a couple of times but even still! she manages to resist them just fine.
She manages to get a couple of clean blows on the boy but that wasn't much! As both was trading blow to blow! Moving at great speed!

Cyphera: HAAAH!!!

As Cyphera got a good clean hit on the boy which sends him flying back and crashing landing in the huge mountains!
She waste no time and flew at his direction and shoots out a huge golden energy beam that hits the boy and exploded the mountain into nothing but rubbles.
She knew the fight wasn't over yet so she spams her energy blast at the direction that he is at.
She's been spamming it for the past 10 minutes nonstop!!

Soon the boy immediately flys right at her! And just tanking these energy blast like nothing and hit her with a hard hook to the face and this sent her flying back crashing into a huge mountain!!
He went to her direction and start to throw in multiple strikes of punches while she's still on the ground!
They was bleeding but they still kept on fighting! She blocks his strikes and shoots out energy out of her eyes and it sent the boy back!

She flew his way and punches him multiple times in the air! Then she was about to use her ability called the phantom erasure! Which erases one soul and body!
But right after she was about to throw in that attack, the boy shoots out a red beam which negated her attack.

Cyphera: w-what?! He copied my ability!!??

She looks at him and he is smiling like a psychopath. The boy immediately rushed at her and gives her a huge punch but she didn't have time to dodge it and it sent her flying back!

Cyphera thoughts: Impossible! I was stronger than him when he first showed up here but now he seems to get way stronger than before. He's growing stronger and stronger each time he gets hit and as he fights. I better finish him off quick before he gets too strong or I'm finished for good.

Both was starring at each other for a few seconds of silence.
Then both charged at each other at the same time! Cyphera summoned her sword and shield trying to finish him off by slicing him!
As they charged in! The boy made a sword out of energy! And both clashed! Both swung their swords to fast and powerful that it created shockwaves and made craters on the ground! The boy manages to stabbed her in the abdominal!!! Cyphera was coughing out blood! But she didn't give up! As she stabbed him in the neck! Ripping through his flesh but the boy gauge out her eyes! And punch her in the stomach making her fly back a few meters!

The boy charged at her immediately but she didn't give up as she cuts off the boy right arm with her shield!
The boy didn't care as he broke her jaw making blood squirt out everywhere.
Cyphera is blind and jawless but she still manages to fight and punching the boy so hard that it blew out his organs!!!
The two changed blows to blow as the boy kicked her stomach so hard that it ripped open her back revealing her spine!!!
Both was throwing countless punches and kicks!!!



But wait!!! She's still fighting! And she ripped off his left leg! But he's still kept on fighting! Until both charged at each other again, until the boy disappears and reappears behind her and grab her back and ripped out her spine along with her skull intact!
He lifted the spine and skull up in the air and slams it on the ground and crushing it by stomping on the skull!!
Her brains was splatter everywhere even on the boy face, the boy licked the blood off of his face while smiling like a sadistic psychopath.

Cyphera has died and the boy leaves the realm.
The boy goes back into his training ground and let himself regenerate.
After a minute of regenerating he smiled and look at his body, he felt much stronger after that fight. He ate something first before he starts to trained again.
This time he's going to train for a full year!

(POV: Training Dimension)

The boy sets his whole training dimension into an infinite times gravity plus lifting an infinite times weight. He did millions of reps each day!
The training made him stronger and stronger. Each training session almost caused him his life, he practice every ability he has gotten and he even stole all of Cyphera ability she had! Even that new erasure ability and that negation attack ability.

He uses the Phantom Erasure on a dummy and it hit the dummy with just precise and it erases it from existence. He wanna transcend the ability to make it even more powerful so he tries every possible ways to do that but with no avail.
He tried it over 10,000 times non stop and still no avail.

5 months later he finally got it and now the phantom erasure has become more powerful as he can pretty much spam it constantly with little drain of energy.

April 20th, 2009

It has been a year ever since and the boy is now ready to go to the next stage! What will happen next? Find out in the next future episode of this series!!!

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