Chapter Sixty-Eight - If I Can Dream.

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Later that Night...
Alex Tepes...

There has been no word from Hudson for three days.

My own personal belief is good riddance to demon trash, but I can see that Sage is struggling and because she is my mate's best friend that means that I care for her by default. Besides, I have always hated to see women upset. I think a lot of it stems from the way my father treated my mother.

My mother was a Vampire, just like my dad but where my dad comes from the most prestigious Vampire line that there has ever been, my mother didn't even come from one of the lesser names. No. My mom was actually a turned Vampire, turned by my father, who had seen her at one of his many businesses and decided that he had to have her at any cost, which of course meant that she didn't come from any particular Vampire line and that also meant that she was not at all rich. You see, because Vampires are immortal, we obviously have years to accumulate our fortunes meaning that we are almost always incredibly rich.

My mom had fallen for my dad after he showered her with love and attention, he spoiled her beyond her wildest dreams. Some might say that he seduced her, and I would be inclined to agree with them because my father is nothing if not entirely charming when there is something that he wants.

Once he had her under his thumb everything changed. No longer was he loving; he turned cold and cruel. No longer was he attentive; he grew distant and secretive. No more spoiling her; he left her to her own devices the majority of the time and only really paid attention when he wanted to have sex with her until she fell pregnant with me and that was the end of any intimacy. From what my mom has been able to dig up – there are other women. Lots of other women and he barely even bothers to hide it anymore.

To say I hate my father would be a gross understatement. The only reason I tolerate him right now is because I need money. I am more than certain that the minute I bite back at him, or call him on his behaviour, I will be cut off and right now I need his money.

"Eve just fell asleep, what you guys up-to?" Kevin asked, walking into the kitchen where I am hanging out with Andrei and Nathan.

We all agreed that since we are all fated to Eve then we should at least try to get along and I know it is hard for Nathan because out of my mates' other mates, he is the one who feels like he hasn't really had as much time with her as Andrei and Kevin. I think somewhere in his mind, he has convinced himself that with me in the picture too he will have even less time with her. Of course, that is just silly because I know Eve well enough to know that she is going to do her very best to give us all equal time.

My issue is the whole sharing aspect of this situation. I am not a sharer. At least not in the bedroom – when I have a woman in my bed, I am more traditional I guess you could say. I like it to be just me and her.

Eve assured me that it wouldn't be a problem and that when it came to me and her being intimate, she would ensure the others knew where I stood on the sharing that they have clearly begun to explore if what I have managed to skim off the tops of their thoughts is anything to go by. I just don't have it in me to share her in bed. I mean there is a part of me that is already struggling to share her outside of the bedroom, but I know that if I want to be with her then I need to make my peace with that at least.

"Just having a beer before turning in for the night!" Andrei is the one to answer our professor.

That still blows my mind – Eve mated to our professor. And how they have managed to keep it almost under wraps. I know that there have been a few whispers of speculation with the other students, but no one knows for sure. I think the problem I have is believing no one has picked up on it because seeing them around one another it's as clear as day that they are meant for one another.

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