5. Locked

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My mind was still swirling, my body a trembling mess. But he stood calm, collected, so sure of himself. He traced my slit again and entered me, coating his two fingers with my wetness. He pulled them out and brought them up not to his mouth, but to mine. The thought of tasting myself had never occurred to me all the times I'd gotten off alone, but now thinking of sucking my fluids off his fingers was making me soak onto the mattress. He pushed them past my lips, onto my tongue and I guided the dripping liquid into my mouth, tasting every drop he gave me. I was sweet. Not candy sweet, but not bitter. A little salty from the sweat and whatever squirt is composed of. It was good, I could see why men liked it. "Thank you, daddy." I said politely. He shoved his tongue into my mouth and found every crevice, searching for a lingering taste of my pussy. His hands unclasped the restraints from my wrists and ankles and he helped me sit up. My hands rubbed at my pink cheeks and pushed my hair behind my ears. All of a sudden, I felt shy. Whatever sexual being I was possessed by moments before had left my body, and left me feeling exposed, vulnerable. Dylan scooped me up into his arms and rubbed my shoulders. He planted kisses all across my forehead and lips. Reassuring me with "good girl"'s and "you did so good for me baby", I felt safe with him. His green eyes studied mine, "if you're ready to stop; love, we can," he said gently. "No daddy, I can take it." I said back. This simple utterance relit the flame in his stomach and he carried me swiftly over to the chair with the metal attachments past the legs. I knew what was coming, but I couldn't go back on my brave admission to continue his little games. I was his toy for the day. Ready and willing. He slowly tilted my chair back, the leg rest moving higher as my head went lower. I looked at the metal attachments and looked back at Dylan, anxious. "Stirrups," he said. My eyes blinked a few times. I had seen these before. But where? "Like at the lady doctor," he suggested. Then memories
flooded my brain. "Of course," I thought to myself. "For easy access." How innocent of me. "Mine has a few...," he paused as of thinking for the right words, a few, adjustments." He said smiling. I was so captivated by his lips I didn't notice him snap the metal cuffs that were bolted to the chair across my wrists. "Locked in again," I thought. "No escape." His hands guided my feet into the stirrups. Then came two more loud snaps as the ankle cuffs were secured. He then placed his hand below the chair and gripped a rubber coated handle and turned some rod, as if cranking something. Then I realized, my legs. With every rotation of this crank, my legs were forced further apart. Once my feet were high in the air and my pussy was spread fully for display, he stopped cranking, and looked at me, admiring his work. "I'll be right back darling." He got up from his stool and walked over to the closet. When the door shut, there he stood dressed in a white coat, with a small briefcase in one hand. "Hello Ms. Dean, I'm Dr. Hein, I'll be examining you today." The devilish grin spread from one side of his lips to the other as I whimpered.

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