
25 0 5

I. Am. Sorry.

But I hate this ship.

Don't get me wrong, I know it's canon and Starflight needs someone to love.. I just find Fatespeaker so irritating.

And just the way she was shoved in as an exact copy of Sunny just doesn't make much sense to me. Give Fatespeaker an original personality.

The way she blabs on about her powers can get annoying also, and when she tries to care for Starflight- she can end up doing something that seems annoying to me.

So I'm sorry if you like Fatespeaker, but the ship overall isn't that bad. I just don't like the characters so much and Fatespeaker's actions.

Pros: Cute, personalities match.

Cons: Fatespeaker's way of doing things. I dunno like she tries to stop Starflight from doing stuff and doesn't let Sunny help him. Little just shoved in as a replacement for Sunny.

Overall rating: 3.5/10

Sorry if you ship this lol.

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