CHAPTER 2 - first day of class

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It was breakfast in the Great Hall, and Adelaide was seated with Parvati and Dean Thomas, a fellow Gryffindor student who Adelaide had gotten close to over the years. Lavender, as always, had decided to stay in bed for as long as possible, which would most definitely, like always, end in her rushing into class five minutes late.

They were discussing the news that Snape had finally acquired the Defense Against the Dark Arts' teacher position and the arrival of the new Potions professor named Slughorn. 

Just then, McGonagall walked past the three Gryffindors and handed them then time tables for the upcoming year. 

"Which N.E.W.T.s are you taking this year?", Adelaide asked the other two, while examining the sheet of paper. 

"Uhm, let's see.. DADA, Charms, Herbology, Potions and of course Divination", Parvati replied. 

"Tss, is that only because you have this insanely weird crush on that centaur?", Adelaide asked her, while giving her an incredulous look.

"Wha-, no! I-, Dean, what are you going to follow this year?"

"I'm just doing DADA, Transfiguration, Arithmancy anndd..." Dean trailed off to look at his time table, "..Herbology!". His face then turned to confusion, "Wait, Herbology? I seriously picked Herbology?"

Adelaide laughed and said teasingly, "No shame in Herbology, Deansie"

"Yeah, I know, but I barely even passed my O.W.L., so why in Godric's name did I choose to do this at an even more complicated level?". He then quickly stood up and said a brief goodbye to the girls, while starting to chase McGonagall, who had already moved her way up to the end of the table, which left Adelaide and Parvati thoroughly amused.

"So, Addy, what are you taking then?", Parvati asked, while turning back to her friend. 

"I'm doing Arithmancy, Potions, Astronomy, Charms and DADA", to which she quickly added, "Oh, and I'm finally going to start Alchemy this year!"

"What? Since when is that a class here?"

Adelaide laughed, "It's always been. Not many people take it though. You have to get a shitload of Outstandings on your O.W.L.s to be even offered it" 

"Ah, so of course freaky genius girl Preston was offered the class", Parvati replied teasingly. "Granger's probably taking it as well", she added with an eyeroll.

"Actually, I'm pretty sure Hermione's not taking it. Don't know why, though"

"So, when's your first meeting with the secret society of Hogwarts?", Parvati then asked with a mysterious tone and spooky hand gestures, to which Adelaide scrunched up her face in confusion. "Alchemy", Parvati clarified. 

"Ah, let me see... Later today, actually", Adelaide replied. "I can't wait", she added with a smile. 

"Nerd", Parvati replied as she chuckled.

Theo was sitting at the breakfast table with his friends, who were discussing throwing a party at the end of the week. 

"Look, I'm just saying, if we're doing mixed houses, there's a better chance of me getting laid", Mattheo said while holding up his hands defensively.

"And why is that? Last I checked you have no problem 'getting laid' with Slytherin girls", Pansy asked him mockingly. 

"Exactly my point, my fair lady, I've seemed to have gotten myself a bit of a reputation in our house and now all the girls have together decided that I'm a 'pig'"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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