New town, new school, new life. I am Isabelle, I turn sixteen in three months, I was born April 7, 1999. The day of my birth it was an odd temperature, a cold day when it was nearing summer. Mother told me I was gonna be different from the other children. I was three weeks late and the doctors were worried I was in my mother too long. Doctors ran tests and everything, but I was still not fully developed in the nine months and three weeks. A month later mother went to the hospital when she started getting sharp pains in her stomach and bleeding. Father said my birth had caused her so much traumatic pain that her heart almost gave out. She had a weak heart to begin with and doctors told her that she would never be able to bear children, but here I am fifteen years later. I could say my childhood was normal, but I would be lying through my teeth. I was born with lavender eyes that later shifted to brown, and my hair was a mixture of brown and black. Odd combination if you ask me. I was told my life was going to be difficult without a mother ( she died when I was nine from a heart attack). My father is still grieving after all these years, but I think she was ready to go, because she always complained about her chest hurting. I never saw her much, she was in and out of hospitals most of my life. Father just stays in his room and only comes out to eat. I can always hear him talking to himself through the wall. I worry about him, but there is not really anything I can do about him at this point.
Father wants to get me checked into an asylum. I guess snapping the neck of a beloved bird was enough to get sent away. I hated that bird, because it would never stop screaming. It needed to be ended and quickly at that. I look down at my hands and still see that creature slowly dying in my hands covered in loose feathers and blood flowing from its neck. The damn Bird was loud, and it screamed more when I nearly ripped it's head off.
Well father called the Asylum and the bus is taking me at 3:00. I watch the clock count down, and I listen to my steady breathing. I tried to get father to understand why I killed that bird, but he is just not having it. I guess he loved that bird more than he ever loved me. He always said the bird reminded him of my mother (She had a beautiful voice, but this bird just had a shrill one).
I hear the squealing of the bus and my father tells me to get the hell out of his house. I get up off my bed with my blue bag full of clothes. I wave to my father and he looked at me like I was a stranger. I guess I would be to him since I killed the last thing he had left of my mother. I walked down the dirt road to the bus, climbing the stairs and planting myself on an empty seat in the front away from the others who are chattering away like it is the first day of school or something, but it's not, it's the first day of hell. I push my hair from my eyes and watch the green trees pass by and eventually see beautiful greens fade to dead browns and yellows .
The asylum is situated on a dark hill in the middle of nowhere with its long shackled windows and doors. To me it looked more like a prison than a place where people go to get help.
Abnormalies By S.N. MORRIS
Storie breviYou ever wish it was easier to find your soul mate? This story is for you! Now, this story is finished I might make another short story to finish up and tie loose ends. I expect y'all would love to read more ? Disclaimer: This story is a work of f...