Playing hard to working hard:

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Jacob and Skylar were still buzzing with excitement from their bounce when Bruce handed them their first task.

"Alright, Jacob and Skylar, your first mission is to deliver some hopper balls to a couple of mutuals known to Irishboxer4. You'll be meeting Shantae and Zapple from the Shantae series," Bruce explained, handing them a set of vibrant, bouncy hopper balls. "Make sure to enjoy a bounce with them as well. It's part of our networking strategy."

Irishboxer4 stepped forward with a grin. "Shantae and Zapple are great fun. You'll find them in Armor Town. Ready to go?"

Jacob and Skylar nodded enthusiastically. They mounted Ruby and Christopher, and with a coordinated hop, they leapt through a shimmering portal that Bruce conjured, finding themselves in the bustling and vibrant Armor Town.

They landed gracefully in the town square, instantly drawing curious looks from the locals. It wasn't long before Shantae, with her signature red hair and purple outfit, and Zapple, with her striking gray hair and revealing armor, approached them.

"Hello! You must be Jacob and Skylar," Shantae greeted warmly. "Irishboxer4 told us you'd be dropping by."

"Yes, and we brought these hopper balls for you!" Skylar said, handing them over. "Bruce Procoptodon sends his regards."

Zapple took one of the hopper balls, inspecting it with her sharp eyes. "These look amazing. Thanks a lot! How about we have a bounce together?"

"Absolutely!" Jacob said, feeling the familiar excitement building.

They all gathered in an open area, with Ruby and Christopher joining in the fun. Shantae and Zapple quickly got the hang of the hopper balls, their laughter filling the air as they bounced higher and higher. Jacob admired Zapple's keen sense of observation and Shantae's infectious enthusiasm.

As they bounced, Zapple couldn't help but notice the intricate designs on the hopper balls. "These are quite detailed. Did Bruce design these himself?"

"Yes, he's very hands-on with the product designs," Jacob explained between bounces. "He believes that every detail matters."

After a while, they all took a break, catching their breath and sharing stories. Shantae spoke about their adventures in the Sunken City, and Zapple shared her experiences as Armor Town's protector, revealing her initial mistrust and eventual alliance with Shantae.

"We really appreciate you guys coming here," Shantae said, smiling.

OTR: IrishBoxer's bounce into He double hockey sticksWhere stories live. Discover now