Marcos Family Drama

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"I have to turn him in mom!" Marco raises his voice to his mother. "He shot Amelia mother!" 

He starts to cry, but his father's strong hand grasps his shoulder. "You will do no such thing Marco." "Jonah is your brother and we don't turn our back on family." Marco's father says firmly; with an edge to it.

Marco's anger boils up to the surface. Instead of acting like a coward around his dad, like he normally does to avoid a beating. Marco turn around and snarls his lip and growls. "I am done listening to you." Marco says firmly; taking all he has to not deck his father in the jaw. 

Marcos father steps back caught off guard. "What did you say?" Marcos dad's voice raises. 

Marco stiffens his back and puffs his chest out and takes a step closer to his father. Chest to chest and eye to eye; Marco stares into his father's eyes. "I said I am finished with you." He takes a quick peek at his mother, her eyes are open wide in fear, Marco  looks back at his father. "I'm tired of you hitting me and mom. And I'm tired of you telling me what to do and say." Marco looks at the top of the stairs. "And I'm leaving and taking Marcia with me." He pushes past his father and runs up the stairs and tells Marcia to get her phone. 

Marcia looks at her brother and tears up. "Thank you Marcy." She smiles and runs into her room and runs back out with her charge and phone and her backpack. 

She and Marco run down the stairs. But their father blocks them Marco scoffs. "You've only got me to listen to you because I was afraid of mom getting hit or Marcia getting molested again." He sizes up his father. "I'm bigger than you and I can knock you down with one punch." Marco looks at his father's beer belly and scrawny arms and legs.

Marcos father steps back, finally letting his kids walk past him. Marcia glares at him with absolute disgust. "I'm done keeping quiet." Marcia uses the last strength in her to tell of her dad.

Marcia walks outside and gets in Marco's car. She watches as her older brother tries to convince their mother to go with them. But Marco fails. He tears up as he gives his mom and long hug. He whispers to her. "I'll be at my favorite place." He tells his mom, hoping she remembers their secret code in case they are in a bad situation like this. His mom's eyes flash open and she grins at him and nods. 

"Where are we going?" Marcia fights back tears. 

Marco looks at her in the passenger seat. "Hopefully to Nicks.

"Emmy!" She yells excitedly.

Marco smiles. "And what about Nick?" Marco teases her.

Marcia wipes a tear off her face. "Of course I'm excited to see him too. But Amelia is so fun and cool." She looks out her window and sighs. "And she helps me forget about what daddy does to me." 

Marco pulls into The Daphnes driveway. He shuts the car off and looks at his half-sister. "I'm sorry I didn't stop it before." Marco lets a tear run down his face. 

Marcia shakes her head. "You couldn't. He'd hit you with a bat most of the  time and then he'd still hurt me." She tears up. 

Marco nods. "I know. I'd rather him stop hurting you and mom and get back to hurting me."

Marcia groans. "I just wish he'd hurt mom. She watches him hurt me and she doesn't do anything!" She punches her backpack. 

Marcos face drains of blood. He looks at his sister. "She sees it happen?" He asks.

Marcia nods. "Yes. She even recorded it once. Because daddy wanted her too." Marcia starts crying uncontrollably. 

Marco pushes back all his anger toward his mother and stepfather and hugs his 9 year old sister tight. 

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