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Chaos filled the ice kingdom, all the generals were dead.Many nightwings battling icewings.A siege on the ice kingdom.No one knows how they got here or when or even how they are here.The only thing that's important is that, they're here, with each tribe killing hundreds of each other.Making smoke fill up the cloudy sky from the burning corpses.

In the palace hatchery, a icewing prince and a icewing princess were taking an egg to safety to ensure their brother's survival.Nightwings formed strategic positions to block any escaping icewings.There was no way out.Unless they headed north out to sea.They ran north to try and escape.The princess as the excellent fighter she was, led the way while the prince protected the egg.As they ran they saw white and black bodies covering the kingdom, with flames and  ice starting to crack the buildings, the streets were collapsing.They ran until they reached the far side of a cliff , where the battle could be seen.The most brutal battle they have seen unfolding right in front of them.He clenched the egg tight to his body to make sure it was safe, once he made sure he did he took off.As fast as they possibly can.In the air more and more dead bodies fell from the sky, they flew.But just before they got there a a strong looking nightwing came to stop them.Icicle(the princess)tried to hold the nightwing off, but as she tried to fight.The nightwing fought back harder knocking Hailstorm(the prince) and the egg into the sea's violent waves.Which made him go unconscious.

"NO!" Icicle screamed, but as she did the nightwings slit her throat and she fell down.Also joining the other dead icewings.Luckily the egg and survived from the impact due to Hailstorm holding him tightly.(insert wave nosies because i don't know exactly what wave sounds like, swish?) drifting off into the unknown.

(Eh i don't know about image I just edited it but I ain't good at drawing so I just drew some orange coloured spikes on a image of the ice kingdom)

(Dedicated to S.Susanne because she drew the cover for me)

(Cover only temporarily until the full cover comes out.)

Update statues : I am still in full motivation for writing this AND SHALL NEVER STOP.Oh and updates will probably be Monday,Wednesday,Friday and mabey Sunday.  😎 (and thanks for all the supporters!)

Winterwatcher story(but with some changes)Where stories live. Discover now