we should hang out some time

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Javon's pov

"Ok so you have history with me which is the first period so you wanna just walk with me to your classes because most of them are with me t-thats if you want to"

Y/n's pov

"Umm y-yea sure but when does the first lunch start and when does the second lunch start"

Javon's pov

"Ok so first lunch starts right after the third period ends for the other students but our lunch which is the second lunch starts after our fourth period ends but since we only have first period we should be good anyways you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch"

Y/n's pov

"Um yea sure but let's get to class before we are late on the first day"

Javon's pov

Yea let's go

Once they leave their lockers they go straight to history they didn't really do anything but learn about the revolutionary war and they now have to make a podcast about it


Y/n's pov

I was on my phone walking and I looked up from it to find javon but he happened to be behind me but I didn't see him

Javon's pov

I had walked in the cafeteria and I was looking for y/n once I seen her I had went up behind her trying to scare her but instead I had out my hands around her waist and said "hey girl"

Y/n's pov

"Oh my God javon you scared me ok so where do you and your friends sit do I just follow you or you guide Me there"

Javon's pov

"Oh um yea just here let's do this" and after I said that I just grabbed her hand and pulled her to me and my friends table once we got to my table I introduced her to my friends and my brother "ok so here his is my twin brother Jaden and these are our friends Lincoln, Matthew, Anthony, Julian and Connor the rest of the group aren't here today but soon enough you will meet Steven and the rest of my siblings" and she said ok


Y/n's pov

Once school ended javon had offered me a ride home so I texted Ethan that I was gonna ride with javon and Jaden and he said be careful and I said ok and I will see you when i get home and he said ok but as i was doing that javon's car pulls up and i get hin and he droves off and takes me home once we get to my house he says "we should hang out some time"

Guys will be making the next chapter in a couple of hours but this is the current one and if you guys have any idea let me know and I will put them in some chapters later on

I never knew love until I found you (Javon Walton)Where stories live. Discover now