what Did i just witness

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(8:00 in the morning)

Y/n pov

I had woken up to javon's alarm going but I got up and turned it off because he had told me to once I turned his alarm off I had walked back on my side of the bed and went back to sleep a few minutes went by and I feel a pair of hands around my waist which woke me up by the way and I felt javon tossing and turning so once he stopped I had cuddled up next to I'm and I put my arms around his neck while his arms were around my waist and we slept there for a while until we heard my alarm go off and that was for school so I had got out of javon's grip to turn it off and went to the bathroom and when I had finished using the bathroom javon was on his game so I just went and sat down on his bed and watched him play

Javon's pov

After I had heard y/n's alarm go off she had turned if off and she had went to the bathroom and I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't so I just got on my game and started playing with Jaden and the rest of the boys after I joined the call on the group chat I hear my bathroom door open and I spin my gaming chair around just to see y/n walking to my bed she looks up at me and smiles and I say "you know y/n you look really cute in my hoodies you should keep that one it's my favorite one but I wanna give it to my favorite girl"

Y/n pov

"Aww javon your sweet but if this is your favorite hoodie you keep it and I don't wanna take anything that's yours you have some nice stuff" as I was saying that I got up and walked over to him and I put my arms around him and sat on his lap and he spun his chair around and all the guys started going crazy like Anthony he said "ohhh look javon has his girl on his lap ohhh" and I can feel javon blushing so i kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear "you know it's ok to blush in front of me right" and after I said that I looked at him and he blushed harder than he did before after that I just put my face in his neck and just sat there smelling his sent from his hoodie

I never knew love until I found you (Javon Walton)Where stories live. Discover now