Does it turn you on?

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The bright light, flashed through the gap between the curtains, accurately aiming to face.

Mathieu looked like in art piece: hair had a sheen and the light layed on him softly, highlighting details. Matt wasn't lucky that much - he had to squint, and he thought he looked not that pretty. He wanted to hide from this annoying ray, so he did, nuzzling to the Frenchman's chest.

Mathieu staggered, surprisingly looking at the Aussie. He grinned, tangling his fingers in his scruff, starting to stroke.

"Chéri..." The Frenchman sighed as the Aussie pulled up.

The slow strokes stopped, and it made Matt kind of doleful.

"Morning, cherry," the Aussie's voice was husky due to sleepy, and he himself looked chaotically. The Frenchman couldn't hold the chuckle because of what he just saw.

"Bonjour," he laughed.

Matt sluggishly slid his hand to Mathieu's back, stroking it. He funcy frowned, as heard his boyfriend's "morning phrase", and then misunderstandably looked at him.

"Isn't it 'hello'?"

The Frenchman slid his hand from the scruff to his waist, the same gently and smoothly caressing it.

"Well, you can say it as 'Good Morning' as well."

Matt answered with simple "ah", looking away.

They kept laying like that for a while longer. There was warm, no one wanted to get up. And they didn't have to - this is the first day of long-awaited free weekend, they two had a full right to lay here and do nothing. Especially when they were together, cuddling, in silence. When this irksome sun makes him nuzzle to him, pressing tighter. Makes him not want to turn back, threatening to hit with the same ray.

Slightly pulling up, Matt whispered:

"Will you teach me some French?"

Mathieu didn't even digged into the question itself.

Time later he got what he was just asked. His eyes became widened, and he was in kind of shock.

"Are you serious?" The Frenchman nervously smirked.

"Yeah," shortly answered, he sllid his hand to his thigh.

"Does French makes you turn on?" Mathieu gave him up-down sight.

"Isn't it obvious?" Matt chuckled, leaving a soft kiss on his lips.

"I got it, chéri," Mathieu tuned in, starting to play.

Matt gasped, looking at some point, then at Mathieu. His hand cleverly slid under Frenchman's boxers, and now the similar sound came from him. He immediately pulled the Ausie closer with second hand, greedily kissing. Another hand kept stroking his waist.

Before that they had "French lessons", however the only French they learnt were kisses. And Matt actually made it not that bad, showing all his skills now.

The low moan came from the Frenchman, the Aussie played with his tongue, and teased his dick with a hand. Mathieu sighed, bitting Matt's bottom lip, trying to slid the same gently under his boxers. Matt pulled closer, catching his lips, pressing tighter. They both got the speed, they knew what they wanted.

The phone vibration suddenly started to irritate ears, Mathieu groaned annoyed, pulling out from his boyfriend. The Aussie, frustrated, looked at his side, watching how the Frenchman grudgingly reached out to his phone. Drastically he changed in his face: turned softer, his lips stretched in a gentle smile.

"Salut maman, tu voulais quelque chose?" he quietly said to someone.

Matt didn't hear the rest of the call, he tried to figure out what Mathieu said at the beginning. Next his words turned to the blend of obscure, but very pleasing sounds.

The call didn't take a long, Mathieu even calmed down while talking to "someone". Smoothly putting his phone back, he turned to the Aussie.

"Sorry, it was my mom, I had to reply," his sight instantly became pitiful. Matt couldn't oppose to this sight, even if it was an unexpected call from random "cheating lover"; the Frenchman looked credibly.

"I almost came when you talked..."

Neither him nor the Aussie had no words.

Mathieu starred at him with micunderstanding at first. Happily for the Aussie, this misunderstanding was quickly changed by laugh. He himself pacified, giving in to the Frenchman's ringing laughter.

"Oh God... Okay, I will teach you, one day..." through the laughter, Mathieu promised, hugging him.

"Mer..." Matt tried to thank him, pulling to Mathieu stronger.

"Merci," he corrected him, kissing forehead.

This day will be spent in the warm and laziness, they both knew.

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