Face the problems

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Lucifer was riding his horse the fastest in anger and nervousness it was causing so much noise in silent forest .
And on the other side Jennie was trying her best to escape from those soldiers .
Actually Jennie wanted to talk to them about her sister but she thought it was not the right time.

She was looking behind to see the fellows who were chasing her and didn't noticed that someone else was also coming from front on a horse it was Lucifer .

There horse make a neigh sound , and swing their two legs in the air .
At this sudden behaviour of their horses they both flinched .
Then finally he looked at her but it was so dark so they both didn't saw each other .
Their horses were walking in circles face to face .

A/n : you know like in crindrella 🤭

"Who are you , and what are you doing here this late ?"

She didn't said anything and got out from there .

A/n : that much daring she is that she didn't answer the devil and passed by him !!! .

As she paased by him a shiver run through his body .
But he ignored it because he was in a hurry .

Jennie's pov

I was in a hurry that's why I didn't said anything to that guy .
Don't know why but a I passed by him a shiver run through my spine .
I came across a lake it in the middle of the forest .
I looked here and there and come down from my horse when I didn't saw any danger .
I removed my cloak and came near the lake to wash my face .

Then I saw my face in the water
I can also see the full moon in the water it was beautiful .

Then she saw her face in the water finally realised want's going on in her life .
And also what she is doing .
She realised that she is running from her problems .
She is Totally not doing what she has been thought in her college.
They thought her to face her problems with courage and bravery but what she is doing here is just running away .
She totally forgot her goal to come here .

As she was realising all this a cold breeze hit her face making her hair flow with the air .
Her heart ached thinking where her sister could be and what she must be suffering from .
No ! She have to find her .
Then she again realised something .

"What if the king means the devil have kidnapped her sister and married her for his use not for love " .
She said to herself narrowing her eyebrows .
"I mean he is still a devil , this generation's normal boys do fake love why not a devil can ".

A/n : it's almost sounded like you don't believe in love .

Whatever , well true .

"Means I have to go in the castle , and all the soldiers have gone to find me means there could be only one person in the castle.....the king ".
She said getting up after washing her face .
"You are a good horse , thanks for giving me support in this situation ".
She said to the horse caressing it's neck .

A/n : hey why not we give him a name .

Hmm , sure

A/n : hu !! Finally a different answer but not just whatever .

Norris .

Norris shaked his head in  excitement .
Not back and forth like humans guys .
Just side to side .

Jennie -"So , Norris let's start this journey help me find my sister , and i promise I will protect you ".

She started to head towards the castle .

Time passed.......

She finally arrived there she looked around the castle for a safe place for Norris .
Then found an abounded stable .
A little far from castle but still not too far .

Jennie -"okay , Norris if you trust me you will stay here and not run away ok , and yes I fully trust you okay .
This is a safe place for you ".

She finally entered the big door which leads to the court , the court room was messed , messed up chairs .
And her things were laying in front of the throne which was a little bit up from the floor .
She run towards her things looking for the most precious thing she had .
Mary's photo frame .
But there was no photo frame was there she saw her bag laying there too she checked it but it was empty too .
She looked around and saw something on the throne .
It was it , the frame .

Jennie's pov

I got up there and picked up Mary's photo .
As I was just looking at it i heard sounds from down like it's coming from the basement of the castle .
Then it clicked my mind , suddenly i remembered about flora and crisendra .
I put the frame on the throne .

I wore my cloak and took the dagger in my hands .
Totally ready for a fight and followed the sound in the basement .

To be continued

What is going to happen next ?

I hope you liked this part
Stay tuned for next part

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