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Am i asleep?

No, I'm sure i didn't feel the comfortable sheets or even get home yesterday...

The last thing i remember was being in a car, held with rope in my hands and feet. my head was covered with a black cloth.

I know i wasn't being paunch, otherwise i was being smelled with a very strong drug that made my senses blurry in the most uncommon way.

And after that, i fall unconscious. but after that i saw a familiar figure before i finally black out.

It's no other than Jennifer.

I soon open my senses, The cloth was no longer in my face. I look around and realize something, something is off.

My throat was dry, my lips is also needing for my saliva. but even my tongue feel dried, it's unbearable how i don't recognize where i am.

I look at the window, it's unusual why the window looked weird. it's round and the design of where i was seated look like a plane.

Wait, am i in a fucking plane!?

"w-what the fuckable fuck..?" i mumbled, my voice was lowed enough to hear for myself.

"he's not awake yet."

A slow mumbled in a another seat was probably behind me. it's obvious that it's from Jennifer.

"we're currently on the plane. we'll be there in about three hours. prepare the room i told you to prepare, remove any sharp things Around the room." Jennifer talk.

It's obvious that she's talking to someone across the phone. i keep myself silent while listening to their conversation.

"Kill him? i won't do that. I'll just torture him to death until he admit what's his real intention toward me."

I can feel the cold atmosphere, the way she spoke back to the person on the phone. they were clearly talking about me.

"if he's taking revenge to his families bloodline then I'd rather end his bloodline first before he can even know who's the mastermind."

Her chuckled filled the room. For sone reason i couldn't help to feel frightened by it, Knowing she's already planning for my death.

I soon heard footfalls near, I quickly close my eyes. pretending that's still unconscious.

"make sure owen is available, i would like to have an important appointment of him as soon as i arrive at the mansion."

She just walk pass me.

My eyes were close but my ears is always active. who is owen? that's the first question that pop in my mind as the name hit my ears.

The surrounding is quiet, i can guess that she ended the call already. I don't know how long I've been asleep, Hours? days?

I felt a warm hands caress my cheeks, cupping them gently while mumbling things.

"Everything can be loss without direction, but no.. not you, you'll be the biggest loss." Her soft voice, it sound sincerely soft. It made the bone in my knees soften by her.

I open my eyes slowly, Jennifer's face was in front of me. Our eyes hit each other's pupil, it felt like we just rewind everything from the beginning. From where i followed her like a creep just to get her number, until she visit me in the hospital because she was worried i died because of it. Jennifer never worried about other's, but she did for me. and i think that's the biggest flex for getting the most powerful mafia boss in my hands.

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