Paranoid much

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Esmeralda was frantic and she realized that I had move. She started looking at security footage from the bus stand and train station till she realized that I was flown to wherever. She picked up her laptop and started to search for a picture of me. She didn't find any. She harassed my friends but they had lost my picture. There was a fire and all my pictures were burnt. She didn't find me in the school yearbook photo. She barely remembers me. She kicked her chair and went to find someone else with my abilities.

The government placed a law that says the person with supernatural abilities must be seen walking in and out in the streets. They are not be institutionalized in any shape or form. If anyone is caught holding these people hostage they are under arrest. They can't arrest someone with abilities to have them work for them. If they are caught falsifying evidence to make them work for them they will lose their job and go straight to jail. In addition to that whatever they say is deem inadmissible in court. They can't get their job as a law enforcer once they have been sentenced. The law enforcers were livid to hear that. Because of the new regulations they had a hard time convincing people to help them.

I on the other hand was sent to find a person that has managed to elude the hunters. I was accompanied by a Kiyanshee and a Grimlock. I found the creep hiding in a cave. Grimlock waved his hand and the man started to choke as a black smoke formed a ring around his neck. He gasped for breath and the suddenly the Grimlock let him go. A banshee screamed and we fell to the floor. I reached out and made her think she had lost her voice. She grabbed her throat and fell to the floor rolling around in sadness. The Kiyanshee took a deep breath and suck something out of him. It looks gray in color. But halfway he stopped. Then the guy changed his face into that of a porcupine.

I asked why he stopped and they said he is Woge. He links with the person who assaults him so they both experience the same pain on different levels. Which also means that anyone that kills a Woge will turn to stone when the Woge takes their last breath. I asked what happens if he kills himself. Nobody had an answer. I asked if he was under arrest or something. They said the order was to kill him. So I asked him to kill himself and he did. Funny enough I was fine.

We dragged the banshee and shoved her in the trunk as we went to our next destination. She was released the moment we reached civilization. A lycanthrope that was eating it's own. After I stopped the canabalistic creep I asked what they can do. Kiyanshee said she sucks the Qi out of people. Grimlock said that it steals the sight of children so they can see the goodness in people in order to strangle them with it. I asked if I had killed a good person. Both said that he is working with a questing beast to wipe out a group of that is negotiating peace talks with humans. These people are trying to end the war so both sides can coexist in some sort of peace. His actions would ensure that we were in eternal war. I called Patrick for confirmation. He confirmed the story and I moved on.

I visited a fountain of youth where young girls irrespective of their size, creed or race are drained of their youth. They fall asleep and die in the process. The Aswang looks like Gollum from lord of the rings. He jumps into a pool after he is done. He sleeps in the bottom of the fountain. I dipped my water container in it forgetting that I am frozen in time so I won't age or change physically for all eternity. My friends on the other hand might have mixed feelings about this. Regardless I kept some. Grimlock gave me an 'Are you stupid' look while the Kiyanshee laughed

I saw the advertisement to the Cirque Du Monstra. I touched the flyer and saw the massacre happen again. I reached a conclusion that it hasn't happened yet. I was driven to canon beach. A place I had visited with grandma. I was given a beach condo to reside in. No one bothered us since we were well behaved. They knew that if any mythical creatures causing trouble it won't be us. In fact if we catch a crook we would punish them to the letter of the law. So I could stay hidden in my three bedrooms luxury beach front property without causing any sort of mishaps.

A few nights later a man knocked on the door asking if I had seen his kid. I reached out with my abilities and found the kid in his own house. I asked him, "Have you tried the laundry room?" He gave me a weird look before he walked back to his property. He found his kid and came back to say thanks. He asked me to come over and I told him, "Vampires are allergic to daylight so we stay indoors till sundown." He was shocked to meet a mythical creature so he thanked me before he went back to his condo. At night I walked out and had a swim.  When I came back he was looking for his kid again. I found her hiding behind my house. I asked her why she is doing this. She said that she wants to go home. But her father wants to stay here. I asked her if her mother passed away and she started to cry. I gave her a hug and waited till she stopped cry. I told her that being where her mother once was is too painful for her father so he had to go somewhere else otherwise he wouldn't be able to take care of her. He did this so he can take care of her.

She thanked me and we walked back to his condo. He jumped when he saw me. He grabbed his daughter and search her all over to make sure I didn't bite her or eat her. He apologized and I said, "You don't need to apologize. I would do the same if I were you." I turned around and walked back to the surf and continued my swimming. I swam till I got bored and then I came back to shore. I saw that the kid was waiting for me and so was the father. He seemed a little calm. I waved at her as I walked past her. I reached the condo when I heard footsteps. I turned to see the little girl had followed me and her father was not far behind.

I smiled, "What's going on?" She smiled, "Can you fly?" I shook my head, "I am sorry but vampires don't fly." The girl knitted her eyebrows, "What's a vampire?" I shrugged, "A vampire is a being that drinks blood. They can't go in daylight. They are excellent lie detectors. They can also sense some types of trouble." she was awed to hear that. Her father wanted to know what types of trouble can vampires sense. I told him that it is classified. He groaned as he complained about classified stuff.

I gently tried to close the door and the kid came running making a kind of noise as though she wanted to come inside but was denied. I told her that idiots believe that you need to give vampires permission to let them in. But in reality vampires can enter and leave as they please. They are just being polite when they ask permission. You enter of your own free will to a vampire residence but leave with the vampire's permission. She asked nicely if she can come inside. I told her that her father wouldn't be happy if she did. He gave me a weird look before he said that he wants to come inside. The girl squealed with delight as I opened the door. I got a call from Patrick that Esmeralda was still looking for me. She demand d to know where I was and what I was doing so she can guage my gift. I told him let hypnotize her. He said that he handled it. He is just keeping me in the loop.

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