02 : Rowan Desmond.

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I had never been this out of breath in my life. My hands gripped my knees as my head bowed down.

Thank God, I made it on time. If I got caught coming late, I'm sure Mr. John would have told me to do 10 laps instead of 5 around that huge field.

I took out my phone to check the time - 9:27 am. I slowly inhaled and exhaled as I did some mental calculations.

2 minutes = 3 floors.

Impossible? No. Possible.

I let my inner Flash take over. I didn't waste a second and ran up the stairs as fast as I could. I didn't come all this way just for the whole class to hear my lame sleeping-in excuses.

And when I reached the third floor, I slammed right into something. Someone.

"Ouch." As I started to fall backwards from the force, a firm hand caught me by the arms. Before I could lift my head, that figure spoke.

"Ow, Easy there"

My heart raced the second I recognized his voice. No, it can't be him, I thought. Not this close, not now, I prayed.

When my eyes met his brown ones, everything stopped.

It was him. The unfairly hot and handsome student council president.

Rowan Desmond.

His furrowed brows, those raven black feathery locks, his beautiful whips of eyelashes, those chocolate brown eyes, parted pink lips, that most perfect jawline one could ask for - he stood before me.

Holding me.

"Eve," he shook me, dragging me back to reality. "Huh? Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you. I'm so sorry, I was in a bit of rush." I stammered, putting some distance between us.

"It's okay, you don't need to," he said, adjusting his black shirt.

"It's Ms. Sylvie's class, I guess," he said with a small curve of his lips.

"Yeah," I sighed, feeling defeated because all my efforts had gone to waste.

If you were even a minute late, you had to write a 2000-word essay on why you were late and how you would prevent it from happening again.

As we stood in front of the broadcast room, I noticed some big boxes assembled outside. It looked like almost 10 giant boxes stacked there.

"It's for the movie night this Saturday," he explained, seeing the confusion on my face.

"Ooh." I nodded. The movie nights were held in the big auditorium every six weeks.

As per school rules, they were supposed to happen only once every three months due to the chaos.

But thanks to Rowan and his committee members running it so smoothly, our principal approved having them more frequently.

His phone buzzed. "Just a minute," he said and took the call. I checked the time again - 9:35 am. I let out a sigh. I was done for.

"What?" He frowned into the phone. "It's okay, I'll take care of these." He glanced at the boxes. "Yeah, bye." He hung up with an irritated sigh.

"Need some help?" I offered.

Anyway, I was going to write that essay. The only difference was the topic would be why I didn't attend class, not why I was late. Not a problem for me.

He looked at me, seeming relieved. "Can you?"

"Sure," I said, removing my bag and setting it on the table.

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