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Sarada's tears did nothing but cause more pain to her mother. She couldn't understand what the mistake was her daughter had made... she couldn't understand if she had made a mistake while nurturing her. Sakura peaks towards the door as she sees Sasuke leaning on the door. He says nothing but keeps watching the two before finally joining the hug. The family hugs for a full 5 minutes before they wipe Sarada's tears.

"Thank you." Sarada mumbles.

Her parents smile at her as Sakura pats her head.

"You should come for dinner..." Sakura says.

"After all,... if you want to make a woman happy... you have to feed her." Sasuke jokes before he leaves.

They reach to the dining table as they eat. Sarada, still immersed in her thoughts, eats slowly and quietly... The dinner ends as Sarada goes back to her room as her parents help each other cleaning the dishes.


I sigh as I keep thinking about the vision. No one knows what the future holds for them... no one. Yet my gut tells me that there are fragments that we know... these fragments can either bring a good change or the worst change possible.

My mind was in complete conflict... where I couldn't decide whether to believe the vision or not... I try to not focus much on the dream as I try to sleep.

'Next morning'

I had a pretty good dream... well... it was just about food but who cares. I get up as I brush my teeth and wash my face. Reaching downstairs, I can hear my parents talk about something. I cough to let them know about my presence.

"You're awake?" mama asks. I nod

"Good morning." I say as I sit down on the chair as mama brings food.

After eating I finally left for my team as we had decided to practice. I see Boruto coming at last as I watch him in the state of conflict again. What is wrong? What kind of dream is it?

BORUTO'S POV (Nighttime)

Well... here goes nothing. I will fall asleep and see if something changes in my dream. I sleep as I find myself in a completely different place.

"Where am I?" I say as I look around to see if I know something. It was raining. Wait... am I in the middle of a road?

I look around to see two people having an argument on the road.

"I don't know!" the girl says. "I don't know why you changed so much Boruto! What is wrong with you!?"

I realised that I was standing in the future... watching someone scream at me. Wait.... is that... poison in her body?


I woke up as it was morning again. Really? Why does this happen!!! SHIT!! I have training today.

I rush to the bathroom, brush my teeth as I walk downstairs. I eat my breakfast before reaching the training ground.

"You're late!" I hear Sarada say.

"Sorry.... I just woke up late..." I speak truthfully.

Sarada just sighs as we start our training. I couldn't help but my thoughts just could not stop lingering over the dream... why did it change? I got hit by Sarad's leg.

"Pay attention to your surroundings..." Sarada says, giving me her hand. I gladly accept it.

Our fight stops as we sit down. I continue thinking if the change in the dream was a good sign or not... When Sarada pokes me.

"What happened?" She asks. I shake my head.

"Nothing... just thinking..." I look at the ground.. I could not see the girl... but it was clear that the man was me. That she had poison in her body.. Could it be... that the girl was Sarada?

Worrying about it could never help me... what should I do? Should I tell sasuke-san?

Sensei came as we had to go to the hokage's building for a new mission. Great. We reach as we knock before entering as we stand with me at the last beside Sarada.

"Well, I have a mission for you." Dad speaks as we listen carefully.

After letting us know about the mission we leave to prepare ourselves.
"I'm home!" I say entering the house.


Something didn't feel right... I couldn't pinpoint... but I know... something is wrong... or is going to happen. But the mission could not be stopped just for my sake. I wanted to be at home.... Not go outside.. Just... be cosy... is it selfish?

I sigh walking towards the village gate as I see others waiting for me.
"You're late." Sensei says. I sigh.
"I know... I'm sorry." I say looking at them still not willing to go.

We leave as we keep walking for sometime before seeing something...

"What's that?" I point out as we walk towards the place.

We see some....human? No it's not something like a human... We started attacking but it all went in vain.


A man emerges out as he kills them, the attack so powerful that it was reaching us as well. Boruto steps up as something sucks in all of the attacks made by that man.

"Boruto..." I say shocked by what just happened. In that place from where they rescued Nanadaime-sama something definitely happened.

The man comes to attack Boruto as he dodges it. The man continues to attack him as Boruto explains. Before anyone could interfere the man faints.

I rushed over to Boruto to make sure he was fine. "Boruto!" I say shouting a little as sensei walks over to the man.
"Do you know him?" I ask Boruto to which he shakes his head.
Sensei decides that we take the boy/man with us. Though I was against it... I could not say anything as I nodded. Boruto hits my shoulder as I go into a trance state again.

"Where-?" I say as I walk a little as I reach a place....oh. I saw it last time as well but it was different.. A man was sitting holding a dead body... he was crying.... As he kisses her....
'In...' The girl could not speak further as I could feel her heartbeat stopping. I gasp as I shut my mouth.

"Huh?" I say realising I was back to the place we were.. The open ground.
"What happened?" Mitsuki asks as I shake my head.
"Nothing... just a thought..." I say looking around. Boruto found it a little odd since I never zone out.

We walk back with the boy as he is taken to the hospital as we walk to the hokage's office. I was thinking... I was in deep thoughts. Why does this happen only when I touch Boruto? Also why just sometimes...not always...

I keep thinking as Boruto nudges me as I look over to him.

"You okay?" Boruto asks.
"Yeah... let's talk later...ok?" I say looking away as I walk inside the hokage's office after Nanadaime sama tells us to enter.

Sensei explains the whole matter to him as I keep zoning out. He hears the whole thing as he wants to rush to the hospital to know about this man.

As he leaves Boruto turns to me as he waits for me to speak.

"It might sound dumb-" I start as Boruto interrupts.
"It won't. You heard my crap while I was crying... so speak whenever you want." He says as I calm down.
"Maybe another time?" I say poking his forehead as I leave.

Word Count-1203

HEYA! How was today's chapter? sorry for not posting for sooooo long... this chapter was supposed to introduce Kawaki. The thing that got me too late is that this chapter before readying the final draft the chapter got deleted and i had to re-write the whole damn chapter. Sorry if it looks rushed. The next chapter will be released after a few weeks.


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