21 | fear

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Another day has passed.

A tear falls from my eye as I wash my face. I sniffle, still thinking about how Marco died. When I pat my face with a towel, I stare at the mirror and find my eyes puffy because of crying.

Even though Kellan held me all night long, it still didn't erase the pain in my heart.

It's devastating enough to find out that someone I know committed suicide, and it feels even more horrible that I had a part in that.

I didn't mean to make Marco feel like he lost the only person who understood what it was like to be put in a place where we felt we didn't belong, where everyone else but us would kill to be a part of it.

I brush my teeth, trying to distract my mind with something else, but it's no use.

After finishing my morning routine, I step out of the bathroom. My legs stop short as I find Kellan already waiting for me. He stands there in front of the bathroom, facing me.

The serious look on his hardened face makes me taken aback. He looks like he has something important to tell me. Dead important.

My heart beats faster. I don't think that I can take another bad news.

"Boxing ring," he says.

I'm at a loss for words.

"Let's go there." The way he says it leaves no room to argue, like he will carry me there if I refuse to go with him.

"The ring?" I can't help but ask.

Kellan turns around, expecting me to follow suit, and I do.

"Why?" I ask again, trying to catch up with his long strides.

I can only see his back, but I can imagine the deadly look crossing his expression while we're walking down the hallway. It's still very early in the morning, so it's quite deserted. Most people here party until late at night in the main part of the house and wake up only a few hours from now because of too much drinking.

"Do you think that I will just let it go after hearing what his brother said to you last night?" he speaks through gritted teeth.

My heart sinks as I remember how Marco's brother threatened me -- he told me that I should pay for his brother's death. Chills run through my skin as I think about what he will do to me.

Yet, talking to him and explaining to him that I cared about his brother seem like a bad idea. He must hate me to the point that he wants me dead.

In no time, we reach the basement where Kellan usually practices martial arts. My eyes land on the boxing ring, wondering what Kellan will do.

Why is he taking me here?

Kellan takes off his shirt and tosses it down before he even stops walking. Then he turns around to face me, clenching his jaw.

I'm still panting because of rushing here.

"Follow me," he says in a commanding tone, stepping onto the ring.

He stretches out his arm to help me get on to it too, and I let him drag me up.

I'm starting to understand where this is going, but I don't think that I'm ready. Kellan, however, seems like he's in a hurry, as if there's nothing else more important now than to bring me here. Still, I think that he's rushing it. I'm not prepared for it.

"I'm going to train you," he says.

I swallow.

"You heard him. I can't get it out of my head. He's going to hurt you, Layla."

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