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One year later


"Over here, Layla," my friend's voice calls me as soon as I step into the coffee shop.

My eyes dart to her waving her hand enthusiastically. She's sitting with two of our other classmates.

A smile forms on my lips as I walk toward their table with my backpack slung across my shoulder. I take a seat and take out my laptop.

Naomi -- who just waved her hand at me -- squints at me, resting her chin on her fist. "Are you not going to order something first?"  She tilts her chin toward the counter.

I shake my head. "I'm good." I usually take my coffee outside.

"I'm sure we can finish our assignment quickly today," Kenna, who is sitting beside me, mumbles and slurps her iced coffee. "Now that Layla is here, of course. Gosh, you're our life safer, Layla."

I almost roll my eyes. A small chuckle leaves my lips. She's hyperbolizing.

"No, really," Sofie adds. "You're always one step ahead when it comes to studying. How the hell did you manage to get a high mark for our last quiz? Our professor is a pain in the ass."

"That's what happens when you're really passionate about what you're studying," Naomi chirps, raising her brow at me. "Right, Layla?"

I shake my head, biting my lip as I try to focus on our assignment instead. Studying nutrition is indeed my passion. Many kids around the world -- especially those who stay in poor countries -- are struggling to have proper food, and I'm looking forward to participating in a volunteer program to help them.

I smile as I remember being told to make the most out of my life, and to be happy.

We do our assignments while chatting about nothing important in particular. I must admit that I enjoy being here with them. I even enjoy the bickering between Sofie and Kenna as well as Naomi's ramble.

Being a college girl, pursuing the degree of my dreams, and hanging out with my friends after class have been my daily routines. The money from Jaxon is more than enough to cover all of Nana's insurance debt, the tuition for Archer's school as well as the expenses I need to pursue higher education.

I can't be more grateful although there's still a big hole in my chest that I doubt will ever be fulfilled.

We manage to finish the group assignment quite quickly, just as Kenna predicted. I'm really glad about that because I have to leave early to celebrate Archer's birthday.

While they're still packing their things before leaving, I head to the counter to order. After grabbing my favorite cappuccino, I sling my backpack over my shoulder and wave at them. "I gotta go. It's my brother's birthday celebration today."

"Safe trip."

"Call me when you get there."

"Have a nice long weekend, Layla."

They say almost in unison, and I smile at them before pushing through the door.

The autumn breeze greets me as soon as I step out of the coffee shop. I take a moment to halt and close my eyes, enjoying the feel of it caressing my skin.

I resume my steps and head toward the tunnel, but not before I pass the park where I usually sit and enjoy the sunset while listening to the kids playing in the playground.

A soccer ball almost shoots my drink, but luckily, I manage to dodge it with a little yelp.

The boy who just kicked the ball runs toward me. "Sorry," he shouts from afar, rushing here.

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