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Here goes nothing he thought, "Well...."

Lando spent the next hour talking about his family and his upbringing, from summers with his siblings to karting and onto F1. He kept everything high level, just like he was answering for a press interview. He didn't mention feelings and repeated answers like he was on autopilot. Callie of course had picked up on all the hidden cues, the way he stopped himself when talking about something too personal or mentioning emotions. She had decided not to press him on anything on their first meeting and was interested to see how Lando would approach the situation. "So Lando, thanks for your time today. I think this is a good place to stop but I would like to meet you again back at the MTC on Tuesday, if that's okay with you?"

He rubbed his face with both hands before letting out a deep breath "Yeah, that should be okay. I will need to check with the team to make sure I am not needed for anything first though". "Don't worry, I have already ran this past Zak and he agreed. I'll see you on Tuesday at 1pm". And with that she left the room, leaving Lando feel emotionally exhausted. He sat for a while longer before leaving for the hotel himself. He was expected to attend the team dinner to celebrate the end of testing and the impending season but all he wanted to do was curl up in bed and see nobody. Socialising was draining when you needed to have a "face" on all the time but the dinner was not something he could miss. Once back at the hotel he took a nap before having a shower and getting ready for the evening. Before long there was a knock on his door. When he opened it, he was greeted by Oscar. "You ready? I am just next door so thought we could go down together?" Lando chuckled "Osc, were not teenage girls. We can go places on our own but yes I am ready so lets go and get this over with"

In the lift there was a bit of an awkward silence before Oscar spoke, "Where were you this afternoon? I got a few questions asking why you weren't driving?" Lando shifted uncomfortably before replying "Oh I wasn't feeling great, I've been sufferin...

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In the lift there was a bit of an awkward silence before Oscar spoke, "Where were you this afternoon? I got a few questions asking why you weren't driving?" Lando shifted uncomfortably before replying "Oh I wasn't feeling great, I've been suffering from headaches quite a bit". Headaches? Really Lando! He mentally face palmed at the pathetic excuse but thankfully Oscar seemed to accept it. As they entered the private dining room, everyone was already seated and applauded them as they arrived. After saying hello to everyone they took their seats and settled into small conversations with the people around them. Thankfully nobody else spoke of Lando's absence and everyone relaxed as they celebrated the end of the winter break.

Eve had spent her first shift getting back into the swing of things. Luckily before she knew it, it was nearly time to go home. The day had gone quickly and she was glad to see her colleagues who helped take her mind off everything that had gone on outside of work. Jake, one of the junior doctors approached the nursing station looking for test results when he saw her quietly working on the computer "Eve, you're back! Everything okay? I heard you took extended leave". She turned to him with a smile, she loved working shifts with him. They shared meals together on nightshifts and joked with each other to ease the tension of a difficult case. She was well aware that the other staff thought they had something more going on but only Eve knew that he was gay. They liked to "flirt" with each other to tease their colleagues but it never went further than that obviously. "Hey you! Yeah I'm good. I took some time off to spend with a friend who needed me but all good now." She felt the familiar stabbing in her heart at the thought of Lando but she brushed it away. She finished the rest of her paperwork before handing over to the night team and headed home.

As she entered the communal hallway in her building, she noticed a letter sticking out of her post box. It had a NHS London postmark on it, and she thought it was probably something to do with her extended leave so placed it on the side to read later. She made herself some dinner and changed into her comfiest pj's before settling in front of the TV. She always forgot how hard the first day back was and the toll on her body was telling her it was time to get into bed. As she walked through the corridor to her room, the letter caught her eye. As she climbed into her bed, she tore the envelope open and pulled out the document. Instantly her stomach dropped and she felt like she was going to throw up.

Dear Ms Thomas,

I am writing to inform you that there has been a disciplinary case opened against you. We have been notified by a whistle blower that you have breached confidentiality rules and in doing so have gone against the Confidentiality Policy: NHS Codes of Practice. 

A hearing date will be set in due course but in the meantime, we regret to inform you that you will not be permitted to attend work in any capacity.

If you are found guilty of this accusation, you may face written disciplinary or potential termination of contract and removal from the Nursing and Midwifery Council register.

You are entitled to attend the meeting with a chosen representative, where you will be asked to present your case.

Kind regards

Amanda Pritchard

Chief Executive of NHS England

Eve dropped the paper onto the floor as panic rose in her chest. She wanted to cry, scream, throw up, everything but she just sat in the silence deep into the night not moving. As dawn streamed in the bedroom window it hit her, someone at Mclaren had to be the whistle blower! She was going to contact Lando the next day and confront him but before that sleep finally took over her body.

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