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The blonde man shook the brunette laying in font of him..
The bandaged man's eye's shot open breathing heavily.
Kunikida pulled the other into his embrace.
"Calm it was just a dream love"
Dopo reassured, rubbing circles into the man who was now sobbing into his sholder.

It had been a year since the incident with Mr. Akanae and Chuuya had happened.

Loosing chuuya was nothing like loosing oda.
Dazai had always thought if he were to loose Chuuya, it would be the same as oda.
Grieving silently.
But he just couldn't
He couldn't keep it bottled up anymore.
Sometimes people forget that Dazai is human too.
Sometimes he forgets that he's human.
Dazai Osamu is like a piece of paper
even the smallest amounts of pencil leave marks.
Whether visible or not. They're there.
All fragile things should be taken care of gently.
Not throw around and treated like a volley ball.
When they are, they break.
Osamu is the same, he was thrown around like a volley ball
Form side to side.
Never taken care of gently withought a purpose of use just to come back and get recked again.
And it finally happened he broke.

Dazai started living with Kunikida,
See after the incident He hasn't been in the best mental condition.
The brunette still believes that Chuuya is alive.
Sometimes it takes days for Kunikida to get the brunette even the slightest bit attached to the world.
After Chuuya's death he's been more quiet and detached.
Always clinging to Kunikida.
Osamu will help around the house when asked to, but his focus never lasts long.

"I-I wanna see chibi."
The blonde man took a deep breath, pulling the brunette closer.
"I'm sorry Osamu, we can't see him"
"B-but why? I- I wanna see if-if he's alright."
Dazai said pulling his head off of Kunikida's shoulder.
"I'm sure he's fine where ever he is."
"I-I had that dream again, Wh-where he got shot three times. I-I don't wanna see it again, I just wanna know if he's safe or not"
The brunette spoke looking down as more tears rolled down his cheeks.
"Come here, let's get you some something to drink or eat, hmm?"
The two got up walking to the kitchen,
Dazai gripping kunikida's hand tightly refusing to let go.
"Do you want some hot coco? We could watch a movie too?"
"Mhm sure"
Dazai's voice was barely a whisper. It was like if he was a child meeting someone for the first time.
After they made the hot coco Kunikida got settled onto the couch with Dazai sitting cris cross next to him.
"What do you wanna watch?"
"Hmm, let's watch, Beauty and the beast!"
The Poet chuckled at the excitement to watch  beauty and the beast
"Alright whatever you say?"

A few days later

Dazai's situation had gotten worse over the year.
At first he knew chuuya was gone.
He would wear his hat, just like he wore Oda's birth stone.
But as time went on,
He kept on forgetting that chuuya wasn't with them anymore,
To the point where he couldn't be left alone.
Through the entirety of the year Dazai was so close to being successful with his suicide attempts
When he found out that it wasn't just a dream and Chuuya was actually gone.
It was later in the evening when kunikida had gotten back from the agency
"Osamu I'm home"
He called in hopes to receive some sort of answer in return.
The blonde opened the door to his bedroom sooting Dazai sitting on the ground with Chuuya's had laying on his lap
"Kunikida-kun....i-it's all fake right? H-he he's n-n-not actually gone r-right?"
Kunikida pulled the brunette who was clutching onto the deceased Ginger's hat, closer,
"It was just a dream, Osamu."

 ~{𝕯𝕰𝖁𝕴𝕷𝕾 𝕿𝕽𝕬𝕲𝕰𝕯𝖄}~ DazaixchuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now