Chapter 1

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Athena POV

 Zeus, Supreme God of the Sky and Lightning, looks at my sisters and brothers with that look. The look that says something is going to happen today that will end up in history. Aphrodite my sister and also goddess of Love (although I will add that she is more cunning and mean than sweet and sweet as the mortals see her) smiles as if she already knows what it is about, hopefully that is not because she is in the my father was in bed when the news reached him. Poseidon looks combative, he has been without war for too long. The waters have been still and calm for a long time now. So whatever my dad is going to talk about. Poseidon will do anything so that his name will be written there. "I have been told that a new city is being founded on the island of Attica." my father said. A commotion arises between my sisters and brothers, for centuries we have been watching the island of Attica, The Oracle had seen the island of Attica in one of her dreams, and that the god or goddess who bears his name would be worshiped there, one of would become the most important gods of Greece... "SISTERS, BROTHERS, SILENCE!" Zeus shouts with his mighty voice, we all become silent. "I know you are all striving to see your names written as the name of the city." Ares and Poseidon look at each other belligerently. "But only one of you will receive that honor! Each of you will step forward and come up with one gift that will make the city blossom into Great Glory! I will then choose which of you will see his name written." An idea starts to form in my head. 

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