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A WEEK HAS gone by ever since your sudden departure, you had changed your phone and contact— hence why no one has been contacting you other than your parents

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A WEEK HAS gone by ever since your sudden departure, you had changed your phone and contact— hence why no one has been contacting you other than your parents. An announcement caught your attention before you let out a sigh, you had just arrived in Germany a few hours ago and was just waiting for your pickup.

You were holding your luggage in your hand while a bag hang off your shoulders, your other hand was holding your phone— which your attention was currently at, a nimble finger scrolling through.

The sound of heavy footsteps coming towards your way caused you to look up, only to see a man in a black suit— his eyes hidden with black sunglasses. "Are you [Last name] [Name]?" He asks, curt and rough.

"Yes, that's me."

Your response was curt as well, not bothering to give out more information. Confirming ones identity to strangers wasn't your forte but you could defend yourself if necessary. "I see, we were the ones that was sent to pick you up. Shall we go?" The man asks, keeping his impassive face as he stared at you through his glasses.

It wasn't a secret to any agents of bastard münchen that you were the one the higher ups desired the most, you were young and talented. A rising star by the time you reached ten years old, a master of three sports at the age of thirteen.

"..yes, we should. We wouldn't want them waiting." You stated, letting the man carry your luggage and bag as the two of you walked towards the limousine. Another man was there— waiting with one of his hand holding the door open for you to enter. You gave him a curt nod in thanks before entering inside, you let out a sigh before opening your phone once more.

"[Last name] [Name], please have a seat." You heard the moment you stepped inside the dim lit room, inside the room was a small table with four people sitting around it, ones you couldn't recognize— except for one.

'Noel Noa..' you thought, staring at the man who sat silently by the corner. His head was held high, posture straighter than yours— he held himself with confidence. "Huh, why am I even here?" An awfully familiar voice asks, you turned your head towards the source, and saw— 'Rey!' you inwardly gasped.

Rey, well that was what people often refer him to considering his name was long, he was your idol. You wanted to be like him one day when you retire as an athlete, a coach who the world will recognize one day.

"Quit it, Rey." Noa stated, glancing at the blonde from the corner of his eyes. A huff left Rey's lips before his eyes caught your own eyes, "Hello there! You're japanese, right?" You looked at him in disbelief- not expecting him to notice you but nonetheless you gave a nod which made the other grin brightly.

But before he could open his mouth once again, he let out a hiss and turned his head to the side. It turns out, the number one striker had pinched the latter on the side. "I told to quit it." Noa narrowed his eyes, making Rey pout but nonetheless stayed put after throwing another grin at your way.

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