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[LAST NAME] [NAME], that was the name given to you by your lovely mother and father who you love so dearly

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[LAST NAME] [NAME], that was the name given to you by your lovely mother and father who you love so dearly. Unlike other kids, you were blessed and heavily favored by the ones above. You had everything you could ask for; happiness, a loving family, friends, and finally your beloved sports. You remember it clear as day when, by the time you turned eight, your parents found out you were born a natural gifted athlete.

The first time you touched a ball, it was when you saw one of your cousins alone at the family court— his gaze so focused as he dribbled continuously while trying not break his focus from the ball. You watched as he ran before finally soaring up high, the ball slipping through his fingers and perfectly landing inside the hoop.

You remember how you shyly walked over, asking- more like demanding him to tell you how he did that. You had asked multiple questions that made your cousin visibly sweat, trying his best to answer your demands as he can.

That was the day you discovered it was called basketball. And as an eager and curious child, you found yourself wanting to try it, so you had called your cousin albeit not caring one bit if you had disturbed him. As a child, it was obvious being the only son of two powerful business couple, you were bound to be spoiled rotten— but despite that, you still had human decency which your parents would usually teach you.

"Humans were meant to be equal, status doesn't matter. In this world, you must know how to respect another if you want to be considered as a human. "

By the time you turned ten, you had discovered another sport called volleyball. It wasn't boring, you had to admit but the idea of jumping continuously was tiring (and you were gonna gaslight yourself into thinking that it wasn't similar basketball when in reality it was.) Your position was a blocker in volleyball, while your position in basketball was power forward.

As you grow older, so did your mind and perspective. No one even realized that you were no longer the shy and naive kid who preferred to be with your cousins more than often, and while you still preferred to be with your cousins; your relationship was strained.

And it was all because of selfish desires and jealousy, one wanted to be this and the other would be jealous. It was always like this, peace was never there to give a lending hand whenever your cousins start an argument about basic and useless shit that they've argued about already in the past few days.

By the time you entered Teiko Junior High, you joined the basketball club, successfully and easily entering the first string. You were an outstanding player, your friend— Nijimura Shuzo became the captain while you were made as a vice captain.

Everything was well, when you and Shuzo entered third year with flying colors, you met six amazing and outstanding players (You practically snorted when you realized their hair color was that of a rainbow.) Everything was well and you were contented, a pleased smile made its way to your lips, your eyes continuing to watch your team.

"[Name], darling. A letter is here for you!" Your mother's joyous voice rang throughout the house making you perk up from where you laid by the bed, who sends letters nowadays when technology is advance? Nevertheless, you decided to check it out in pure curiousness.

Your steps were light and soundless as you went down the stairs bare feet, you quickly arrived in the living room— where your parents was. They were looking suspiciously excited, to say the least and you couldn't help but be more curious than you already are. Your mother passed the letter to your awaiting and outstretched hand, your eyes abruptly widened when you saw the sender.

As quick and careful as you could, you swiftly opened the envelope. With you reading the contents out loud, it was an invitation from bastard munchen itself. It was your chance to polish another sport of yours which was football.

"What does it say?" Your father asks, a hint of excitement hidden poorly in his tone. Your mother was no better, her whole body was practically shaking in excitement— while your father is a business man he also used to be a professional basketball player whereas your mom who is a fashion designer was a former football player.

Naturally, they were so proud of you. Not only were you talented but also intelligent, this was one of the reasons conflicts started amongst you and your cousins. You were the gifted child of the whole [Last name] family, truly blessed by the ones above.

"I got recognized by the bastard munchen itself, they want me to come there and polish my skills even more." You breathed out, not even believing that this was really happening, your mother let out a cheer while your father follows before they stopped once they sees your frozen— trembling figure.

"You don't have to accept this, y'know? We're already proud of you." Your father gently coaxed, they truly were proud of you. You were just a young kid and yet you had made quite an influence, you were an outstanding child of theirs and they couldn't ask for more. "But.." you tried to counter but your mother gently hushed you, the two of your parents gave you a comforting embrace.

"I want to go." You decided, making your parents taken aback in surprise but nonetheless they continued to embrace you— whispering support and assurance.

You silently stared at your coach who had a conflicted face, his lips were pursed before he sighed. You had just announced your sudden departure to Germany for the upcoming training and you could tell the latter wasn't taking it very well.

"I need you to repeat that for me."

"I'm quitting basketball." You repeated, your fingers slightly fidgeting with a lose thread of your hoodie. You were wearing a baggy sweat pants that was paired with a hoodie and white rubber shoes, you had skipped school today with your parents busy scheduling and taking care of the papers for your transferee.

"Okay, I got it the first time. What I mean is, why? Are you sick?" He questions, it seems he wasn't informed by the principal beforehand so you let out a quiet exhale. "I'm going to Germany." You supplied without another word, was there more to add? You weren't sure. So you kept silent instead.


Your coach repeated making you nod, "Why so suddenly?" Your coach asks making you furrow your eyebrows, your eyes narrowing while your lips were drawn down. "What do you mean 'why so suddenly'? Just because you're my coach, I don't think you need to know what the reason is."

"[Name], you do know that you're one of our strongest players, right?" This statement caused you to let out a snarl, face taut into a scowl. "So what? The new generation is here, I don't see a problem."

Your coach opened his mouth once more to counter but you quickly stood up, "Whatever, I only came here to give this form anyway. The principal has been notified so you can't force me to stay, the papers are ready as well."

With that, you turned away— not bothering to look back.

With that, you turned away— not bothering to look back

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PROLOGUE | ©stxrcloudzz

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