chapter eight- my enemy

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*a few days later

It had been a few days and those few days had been the worst fucking days of my life I wasn't exaggerating they were something out of my nightmares my worst fear came to life francis and ariana joined my school for no reason but the day before she joined I overheard my mom say to francis

'you've got to keep an eye on your bratty sister because who knows what she's doing behind my back I know you'll keep an eye on her'

when I heard the news I wanted to grab a big sharp kitchen knife and stab it into my heart so I didn't have to go through it the first day she joined I was lucky francis wasn't in any of my classes but whenever it was break or lunch the real drama would begin I could see her and ariana giving me dirty looks from across the cafeteria whilst I was hanging out with my friends and ace sydney asked me worriedly

'aurora why did your sister have to join this school again because she keeps giving you dirty looks and it's freaking me out'

at least I wasn't the only one panicking I said to sydney calmly

'don't worry she hasn't bullied us yet just ignore her because she wants to get a reaction out of all of us and the best solution is to just not say anything to her but if anything does happen I'll deal with her'

lee explained

'thanks orie we all owe you one'


a few hours later school had finished for the day me and all my friends were leaving together we were socializing and having fun before I got a suspicious text from my sister saying

'meet me in the gym locker room immediately'

I wasn't going to go because whenever she asked me to meet her somewhere it was always a trap but in the end I decided to go because I was curious to know what she wanted I put my phone back in my pocket before saying to my friends

'guys go on without me I need to go to the bathroom'

all of them stopped walking and minerva said

'are you sure we can all wait for you'

I smiled before saying

'no no it's fine'

gabe replied calmly

'ok if that's fine with you see you tomorrow'

I rushed back into the school finding my way to the gym locker room a few seconds later I made I felt afraid because I was second guessing myself maybe it was going to be a trap but it might not be it could be something else I opened the door finding the room empty I thought to myself

'well that was a waste of my fucking time'

I was about to leave when to my surprise francis turned up with ariana I thought it was just going to be me and francis I said worriedly

'I thought you weren't turning up now what do you want'

francis had an angry look on her face I knew it was going to be something involving me she grumbled

'are you hanging out with a dude called ace'

I answered

'yeah what's the matter with me hanging out with him'

francis stepped closer to me as I started backing away from her who knows what she was going to do next she sneered

'well you should stop hanging out with him because I have a crush on him'

this was ridiculous I knew ace wouldn't date francis because I had already told him and all my friend group that my sister was a selfish toxic bitch who only cared about herself she had an impatient look on her face she shouted


I explained

'no because ace is my friend and plus I've already told him to stay away from you because your a selfish bitch and you only care about yourself'

this made her blood boil and she started throwing punches at me the pain was unbearable as I pleaded


ariana had an evil grin on her face as she started to join in with francis this was like a game to them and I knew they were enjoying it tears began filling my eyes because no one else was at school everyone had left for the day and it was just me francis and ariana left I squinted my eyes I deserved this pain and there was no way of stopping it all of a sudden the pain magically stopped and I heard a familiar voice shout


I stopped squinting my eyes and saw ace what was he doing here I thought he went home with the others silence filled the room for a moment francis said in her friendly singsong voice

'ace what are you doing here we weren't causing any harm to aurora she got pushed by someone in the hallways and we were making sure she was alright'

ariana joined in

'yeah she's ok now and we were just about to leave'

ace knew their little game that they were playing and he yelled


francis and ariana immediately ran away I stared at ace for a second before saying quietly

'thank you I thought you went home with the others'

ace smiled before explaining

'well I knew something wasn't right so I stayed behind then I heard loads of banging from the gym locker room and decided to investigate'


~hello I'm so sorry I didn't post this chapter sooner this week I haven't been feeling well so I decided to rest and write when I felt like it I'll try get the next chapter done as soon as I can I hope you're enjoying this fanfic so far and the next chapter will be out soon

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