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Don't know kdot real name so he'll go by Kai

Third person pov

Kai could barely keep his eyes open as they rushed him into the hospital. They say when you have experiences like this your life flashes before your eyes well in his case he could only see his mistakes. He saw a desperate little boy who believed he could "fit" in if he allowed himself to get in with a crowd.

He wanted to be down with them, he wanted to be concerned cool and have friends...too bad he picked the wrong crowd to do that. He could also see flashes of what happened at the station and felt the fear all over again as they chased him before beating him. He also remembered what he had done to Ethan.

That was enough to snap him out of his flashes. If Ethan didn't make it he could go to jail or worse he could be killed. He could already imagine everyone's reaction everyone adored Ethan...but he was invisible. Sure he had his small circle of people but he didn't have the love Ethan had.

Everyone would hate him shoot he hated himself for letting things get to this point. Soon he had luckily survived and was put on trial but was let go because it was concerned self defense. Even picked up a small rap career. He promised not to diss notti but he couldn't help himself.

For once he was getting attention he thought maybe if he imitated notti or spoke on him like rappers do with their opps he could make it. Soon however he was caught by oy resulting in his getting beat up. He soon got into witness protection making him untouchable but he was still given death threats on the regular.

Soon he found himself being consumed with guilt from time to time he would have nightmares he also found Ethan lurking in the shadows of his video shoots or getting weird Deja vu from have the same clothes or video set ups. Seeing the millions of edits of notti and all the people wishing he had died instead.

His story is complicated and sad but in order to understand it all you would have to go back to the beginning of it all.

The chapters after these will be flashbacks showing his past with oy & how we got to this point

What ya'll think? If ya'll hate it I'll delete it promise

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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