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If you don't like the book leave it's that simple already made disclaimers and told y'all what was gone be happening in this book ya'll chose to keep reading 😐

I'm a writer who does things different so I'm writing a story in kdot perspective based on things I've heard from lives and rare videos so please go on somewhere if you gone give me crap

Anyways like mentioned the rest of the chapters will be flashbacks so let's get into it

Third person pov

Growing up in a big city comes with many pros and cons Kai liked his area he always found it calming and new the city like the back of his hand. Only problem was he felt invisible in a city so big it was easy to feel small and he did often. He barely had any friends not because he didn't want any but because people didn't seem interested in getting to know him.

He didn't understand why he felt he was a pretty decent person and for the most part stayed in his own lane. He of course came across some street related drama but with the amount of rappers and gangs harvesting in the area it was hard to simply stay out of the way. Kai never really found street life "fun" or interesting.

Many dudes went by the street life like it was biblical he didn't understand why a person would wanna spend they lives ducking the cops, opps and potentially throwing their lives away that was until he came across the oys. A well known gang who he had heard being praised and dissed many times. They seemed for the most part though to get a lot of respect.

Almost everyone in the gang was known and Kai couldn't help but wish he was a part of them so he could been seen & respected. He wanted that more than anything on this earth he wanted to be a part of something united but due to his invisibility he couldn't build that himself but you know what they say if you can't beat them join them.

Kai continued roaming the streets not paying attention to where he was going leading him to crashing the impact being so strong he found himself stumbling. "aye watch where you going?" a voice spoke and looked up being met with a light skin male who held an angry expression.

hope ya'll enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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