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"MUM, I'M HOME!" I shouted as i walked through the door of our very old victorian home. No answer, that was extremely weird, she always answered. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple off the sidetop. Suddenly, a loud bang came from the utility room. I froze in fear, I really hoped it was just a cuboard falling over again. I silently prayed. I tip-toed until I was just outside the door. Another crash came from the other side of the wall,a plate or so i thought it was. I peeked round the corner and gasped. Wrong choice. An evil smirk ran across the old mans face, he looked around 40 maybe 45. Suddenly a guy jumped behind me and put a cloth onto my face. Then i hit blackness...


I woke up with a start and gasped for air. Then i realised my hands and legs were tied up. Suprisingly my mouth wasnt gagged, like they were in movies. I raised my eyebrow just as the old shed door flew open. In the doorframe, stood the man that had kidnapped me and a few metres behind him stood another teen most likly my age or a little younger.

"Get in there now" The man spat to the girl. She looked like she had seen a ghost."p..please dont hurt me"her delicate voice whispered to the evil man in front of us. "And why would i do that?"He said sarcasticly before shoving her into me. I groaned and she quickly said sorry and lifted herself up off me. I nodded whilst we sat in silence. 

"Thats it we're getting out of this hellhole!" I said to her as she looked up at me surprised. I whipped out my pocketnife out of my high-waisted shorts and started to cut the thin rope.After around 5 minutes it broke away, then i started to work on the girls rope and she stood up. "Thanks " she thankfully whispered. I put my index finger to my mouth signalling to be quiet as i slowly opened the door of the dirty shed. Then we ran, for our lives.



The village finally started to come into view. I searched my purse, i still had £50 from shopping yesterday. Suddenly the girl screamed i turned to see the man tat kidnapped us had got hold of her wrist. I could feel people watching, " So you though you would get away did you you little slag?" He smirked at me, i could feel the power surging in me. I punching him square in the nose. People had joined to watch now there was about 10 to 20 people. " HOW DARE YOU!" He shouted at me and swung at me. This was going to be an ugly fight....

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