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I grabbed his wrist and swung it round getting him into a neat armlock. I noticed 4 lads and a chick watching us, clearly this man didnt know my talent. I kneed him and he fell to the floor in pain. I shrugged and started to walk off the girl quickly followed me. Suddenly she got pulled back again but not by the kidnapping guy but the guys who had watching off. Then i got pulled back but this time i couldnt fight back, they had handcuffed me and the blonde haired dude, which is kinda hard to say because most of them had blonde hair, grabbed my feet but i quickly kicked him in the forehead as he stumbled back the quiff lad grabbed my feet as the brown haired lad  lifted me up and sat me down in the van. They had done the same to my partner but they had gagged us both. Shoot. They had caught us. The brown haired guy with the ripped jeans jumped into the driving seat and started to drive down the crooked round. The others sat opposite us and just stared at us before they put a clothe in front of my mouth as i fell into a deep sleep again. 



I woke up with a start again and looked around my partner was tied to the other bed post. The gag was gone and my ropes were gone but hers wernt but her gag was gone. I got up and nudged her awake as i untied her ropes. 

" Hey wake up and by the way whats your name?" i asked her

"um...Alysha whats yours?" She answered and asked at the same time.

"Roselle" i answered smiling back at her. I raised my finger to my lips and helped her up as we quietly opened the bedroom door as quietly as we could. Then we tip-toed down the stairs. I was about to walk out of what looked like the front door, when the blondie jumped onto me, tackling me down to the floor. "GUYS GET YOUR LAZY BACKSIDES DOWN HERE HELP NEEDED!" She screamed in my ear. I kept sqirming but someone pinned my legs down and someone pinned my arms down. I squealed but my mouth was covered. Alysha just stood there, looking frightened. The chick got off my stomache and went over to grab her and led her over to a chair. The blondie lad went off to the kitchen and grabbed some duck tape. I sqirmed even more. were too strong, they carried me over to the chair and taped my arms together behing the chair and my legs to the chair legs. They looked at me surspiciously whilst i tried to wiggle out of the chair. This was no use. Damn you god. The boys started to burst out questions, "Whats your name?How old are you?" Stuff like that. I kept my mouth shut and glared at them. "ANSWER US!" the one that that looks like Justin Bieber shouted in my face. I continued to smirk, then someone tried to slap me but i the chair, hard but i pulled it off. He got tuck by suprise. I used all my stregth and managed to pull my legs off the chair legs. I kicked the long haired dude in the below appartment. He groaned and fell to the floor. I jumped out the chair, only to be tackled again, one again by who looked like the youngest. "OW!" I squealed loudly. He sat on top of me. I was finding it hard to breath by now and i was running out of air. I started to breath heavely before my head knocked the wooden tiles. 


Rylands PROV

"God is she okay?" Riker asked me a worried expression on his sorrow face. I checked her pulse but i couldnt get it.

"Shes not breathing" I screamed before Riker pushed me off she back, before putting his mouth onto hers. I knew what he was doing, but by the looks on the boy's face's they clearly didn't. He started to thump on her chest. Then again to her mouth...CPR. 


Riker PROV

I continuted to give her CPR. Suddenly she popped up breathing heavely again. She looked around confused, then she tried to wiggle out of my grip, but i sercurly had her leg and Rocky had her arms. We counted to 3 before lifting her up and gently put her on the sofa.Rocky,me and Ryland surrounded the back whilst Rydel and Ross got the front. There was no way she could get out of this. We all looked down at her until Ross spoke to her; "Look we're not gonna hurt you or Alysha, we're gonna keep you safe" He said to her She nodded before putting her head in her soft hands. I summound towards the kitchen, we all moved towards the door. I pushed it open and they walked in and sat at the old pine table. "Guys, we've got to keep them safe and we can't tell her about her mother...well not yet anyway. Understand?" I told them. They nodded the heads, we were all tired after our attempt of jabbing her with the needle to make her sleep. We walked back into the room and saw Roselle on the floor like she was praying but as we got closer we could see she was punching the floor, hard!



I could her muttering in the kitchen as the boys walked out. I didn't want to be alone not in the house. I rolled on the floor and got into a praying position but like hell was i praying. I started to punch the floor and sobbed. Not loudly though. Suddenly i got lifted up and put back on the sofa by Ryland, i smiled at him before hiding my sore puffy eyes. They started to mutter again. "Roselle, what was you just doing?" Riker asked me gently. I looked up, into his worried eyes. I took a deep breath, " to much stregth so i either take it out on somebody or something and since you guys were not around, the first thing i could think of was the floor." I said accompanied with a small smile before putting my eyes to the floor.


Ross'S PROV 

 God she was hot, as in hot hot, I was snapped out my thoughts when someone started "Roselle, what were you just doing?" Riker asked Roselle gently after we had walked through the door and Ryland had picked her up from the red carpet, it was my favourite colour, and set her gently back on the comfy and deep sofa. I saw her take a deep breath, " to much stregth so i either take it out on somebody or something and since you guys were not around, the first thing i could think of was the floor." She smile before looking at the floor, she was obvisoly embarresed. Rydel, being the carefree one just walked over to her and sat beside her, rubbing circles onto her back. She looked him in the eye and smiled before getting up and walking towards her bag and picked it up. Then went to sit back down beside Rydel. We had looked through her bag taking out her phone and her ipod. She looked like she was going to pop. Suddenly she jumped up and walked over to me. " Give me my phone and ipod" She said to me harshly. I looked at the boys, and girl, with a look saying ' Guys help really needed here' She was still staring at me expecting her phone. I gulped before saying, 

" What you talking about?" I nervously asked. She glared at me again before yelling, "JUST GIVE ME MY PHONE AND IPOD NOW!" I stepped back just as she stepped forward. My head had hit the wall, I groaned it had really hurt. I kicked her shin, ow great why did i just do that?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2013 ⏰

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