Chapter 5

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Lisa entered the club by the back door and strode purposely to her room. The heavy throb of the music and the electricity from the pleasure seeking patrons felt charged and thick as she wove between sweaty bodies.

Some reached out for her and spoke, turned on and surprised at her civilian attire. But their hungry fingers and hungry come- ons fell short of truly touching her, just like they always did.

She recognized a few of those hungry faces, but she had no interest, knowing a sensitive little fuck here and there wouldn't do. No, not tonight.

Even the ones that dressed the part and talked the talk and thought they wanted a real, true fuck couldn't handle her at full force. And she was in no mood to cater to their sudden tender needs or "my husband doesn't want me" tears.

She strode confidently, ignoring them all as she headed for her room. Once inside, she closed the door, locked it, and then stripped out of her clothes. What she needed tonight wasn't lingering in the hallway, batting long lashes or pushing out amped up breasts in new leather vests. As she opened her duffel bag and stepped into her leather garb, she tried to imagine what exactly it was she did need. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she knew the second she saw it, she'd know.

Her imagination soared as she continued to get ready, doing her hair and spraying on cologne. The woman she needed would be consumed in a halo of light as she entered the club, a dangerous look in her eye and a purpose in her step. She'd push all others aside with her brazen confidence and walk right up to Lisa, daring her.

Lisa would take that dare, slam her against the wall, and conquer her right there in front of the others. She'd bite into her neck and—a familiar cry of firstborn lust echoed through her head. She tried to shake it away, but it kept coming, this time along with the pale, smooth, giving flesh beneath her hungry teeth.

It was Jennie's cry.

Jennie's flesh.


Jennie had taken her full on and had begged for more. She'd come for her again and again.

And Lisa had let her touch her, taking her hands within the first few minutes and insisting on it. Lisa had never wanted anyone's touch before, not at Blazing Passion, and she'd never allowed it. But Jennie was different. She'd wanted her touch.

She steadied herself against the dresser as she remembered how she'd almost come in her hand. Sweet, innocent Jennie had stroked her aching flesh and stared into her face like she was God. And it had almost shattered her to pieces. It was why she'd made her stop.

It had taken years to pick those pieces up, and it no doubt would again, no matter how beautiful and pleasurable the pieces were, even if they were brought about by Jennie. She couldn't risk that loss of control again. She couldn't allow someone else to slip inside her chest and command the beating and feeling of her heart. It had hurt too much before and the puppeteer of her heart had turned on her, slashing and squeezing her heart, leaving it murdered and useless, a dead lump inside her. Just thinking about it again caused a cold sweat to break out over her. She had to remind herself that she was okay now, her heart fine and though scarred, recovered and functioning. Her one and only relationship was long past and she pushed it from her mind, refusing to think of her ex. That refusal was how she'd survived and that wasn't about to change now.

A series of loud knocks came from the door, tearing her from her thoughts. She was grateful for the distraction. Her leather vest and pants felt cool and snug against her skin as she moved and when she opened the door she saw Cord standing there looking at her in his boorish manner, fists at his side, moisture crowning his brow. His coarse chest hair fought against the leather pressing into his broad but somewhat flabby pectorals. Vodka and sweat permeated around him.

They rarely spoke and when they did it wasn't without important purpose. He thrust his hand forward and she caught sight of a piece of paper wadded up in his palm. She took it and opened it, knowing at once what it was. Cord, too, acted as if it were old news.

"She's called a few times. Left messages. Sorta hyper."



He left her there alone in her room, blue and red bulbs bleeding. She closed the door and sat on her bed. The paper read, Jennie Kim from last night. Wants you to call her, in Cord's barely legible handwriting. A phone number was scribbled below it. She ran her thumbs over it recalling Jennie and everything that had come with her. The innocence, the sincerity, the trepidation. Her moans, her cries, and her orgasmic pleas. She would love to have her again. The mere thought alone slammed her blood through her body in a maddening pace, even more so than her fantasy only moments before. The reaction wasn't welcomed, and she didn't allow it to continue for more than a few seconds. She'd been battling it all day long and had hardly slept when she'd finally arrived home the night before.

Rising, she crumpled the paper and tossed it in the corner bin. She'd tell Cord to ignore any messages from her, just as she did all the others.

This was why she had rules.

Jennie Kim was dangerous, intentionally so or not. And from here on out, she was off limits.

Another knock sounded and relief pushed out with her breath as she opened the door. Finally. A distraction.

"Hi." The redhead was short and fit, still dressed in the suit she'd probably worn to work. Her perfume was strong, a lot like her attitude and eager confidence. There was no halo of light, but it wasn't needed. Lisa saw all she needed to see in the determined, keen glimmer of her eyes.

"Come in." Lisa moved aside and watched as the redhead strode past. She'd had her several times before, forcefully, holding her up against the wall, legs splayed, sharp high heels pointed outward while she called out to God, the large dildo forcing her in and pulling her out with its thick mass.

Oh fuck yes, she would do. She would have to do.

"Where do you want me?" she asked with a coy look on her well made up face.

Lisa clenched her jaw and shoved Jennie from her mind for the umpteenth time.


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