Shut Tight

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[WARNING: This chapter—and technically this whole story—contains descriptive body horror and gore. This will be your only warning.]

My head...

I can't...

What the hell happened...?

Something hit me, I think?

There was flashing.

They were about to announce the winner of season 2.

It was between...

Shit, who was it between again?! Me and... Suitcase. Suitcase, right.

Lightbulb and Baseball were cheering us on.

Everyone from the hotel was there, including some new faces...

And then the flash, and- and the screaming...

... They're in danger.

And it's my fault.


My eyes shot open, but everything was still dark. I couldn't see anything, not even my own body. I tried desperately to lift myself up, but my limbs were strapped down by... something.

It felt like a mix of flesh and metal. It was wet, soft, but it was also firm and cold. The feeling of it made me want to vomit. I felt saliva fall out of my mouth at a rapid rate, preparing my body for some sort of expulsion of whatever was left in my stomach.

That's when I realized...

I was upside down.

Even more terrified of the possibility of falling to my death, I gripped onto whatever was straining me. I couldn't see anything below me, for all I knew it could've been an infinite void, or a long fall that could break all of my bones, killing me slow.

I shook my head. No. Can't think about that. Relax. I took several deep breaths trying to calm myself down. Think rationally. Think...

But there was nothing to think about. There was no way out of this solution but to escape the strains, which had a fifty-fifty chance of killing me. But was being stuck up here really any better?

Most likely not.

But the object spirit will want to continue on, and there's no way I'm dying by killing myself like this.

Suddenly, the restraints began to loosen, thinning out in an unnatural way. I panicked, trying to grip onto them tighter, but these things were too goddamn slippery. I clenched onto the one holding my right as the rest suddenly retracted into the ceiling above me. It was slippery, I wanted to let go, but I couldn't, not if I wanted to live.

"No.. no please.." I mumbled. I don't know why I said that, part of the heat of the moment freak out most likely.

The restraint sunk into the ceiling, causing me to fall.


I must've dropped a good 10-15 feet. Nothing broken, thank god, but the floor felt just as disgusting as the ceiling. I immediately stood up, gagging and trying to wipe off the slime on my face.

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