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The quinjet hangar buzzed with a mix of activity and emotion. Lia stood with Natasha and Wanda, their goodbyes tinged with a bittersweet note. "I'm going to miss you both so much," Lia said, hugging them tightly. Wanda's eyes were misty as she pulled back. "We'll miss you too, Lia. But you'll be back soon, and hopefully, everything will be better." Natasha nodded, her grip firm on Lia's shoulders. "You're doing the right thing. Just take care of yourself, and we'll be here when you get back." Lia smiled, fighting back tears. "Thank you. I'll be back before you know it."

Meanwhile, Steve was helping Bucky load their gear onto the quinjet. "You sure you've got everything?" Steve asked, handing Bucky another bag. "Yeah, I think so," Bucky replied, glancing over at Lia. "Thanks for helping out, Steve." Steve gave a reassuring nod. "You're going to be alright, Buck. Both of you."

Lia walked over, joining the two men. "Ready?" she asked, her voice steady but her eyes betraying her nerves. Bucky nodded, his gaze softening as he looked at her. "Ready as I'll ever be." Steve took his place at the pilot's seat, starting the engines. "Alright, let's get you two to Wakanda."

The quinjet lifted off smoothly, the familiar New York skyline quickly replaced by the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean. Hours passed in relative silence, each of them lost in their thoughts. As they approached the African continent, the landscape shifted dramatically. From the cockpit, Steve guided them toward what seemed like an endless expanse of mountains. Suddenly, the quinjet passed through an energy shield, revealing the breathtaking scenery of Wakanda. Verdant hills, shimmering rivers, and the impressive architecture of the capital city unfolded before their eyes. Steve landed the quinjet gracefully at the palace. As they landed, they were greeted by T'Challa and Shuri, both radiating a warm welcome. "Welcome to Wakanda," T'Challa said, his voice rich with pride. "We are honored to have you here." Shuri grinned, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "We've prepared everything for your stay and the procedures. Follow us."

As they walked through the palace, Bucky and Lia held hands, drawing strength from each other. Shuri glanced back, catching sight of their clasped hands, and smirked at Lia. "It's good to see you two supporting each other," she teased lightly, but her smile was sincere. T'Challa elbowed his sisters side, and led them to their quarters, stopping outside a set of grand doors. "You'll be staying here. We'll begin the procedures tomorrow morning. Rest well tonight."

Steve lingered, his expression a mix of concern and encouragement. "I'll be heading back now. You're in good hands here." Bucky and Lia both hugged Steve tightly, grateful for his support. "Thanks, Steve," Bucky said quietly. "For everything." "Take care of each other, and both of you don't do anything stupid till I get back." Steve replied, giving them one last nod before departing. Lia yelled out after him "How can we? You're taking all the stupid with you!" She laughed.

Left alone in the grand palace, Bucky and Lia wandered the halls, the grandeur of Wakanda almost a distraction from their nervous anticipation. They stopped by a balcony, the night air cool and soothing. Bucky squeezed Lia's hand gently. "Nervous?" Lia nodded, her gaze fixed on the stars above. "Yeah. But I'm glad you're here with me." "Me too," Bucky said softly, his thumb brushing over her knuckles.

As they stood there, the weight of tomorrow's procedures pressing on them, they found solace in each other's presence. The journey ahead was uncertain, but together, they felt a glimmer of hope.

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