Legacies Chapter 4: The Loner's Resolve

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NOTE: Introducing Ricardo V-V-V-V-Valdezzzzzzz. Doesn't he look like a cheerful guy?

(Just a quick notice this chapter does depict physical and verbal bullying so if you are uncomfortable with that feel free to skip ahead. Bullying is an evil and vile thing and should be reported immediately if seen. The tongue is the most powerful tool in your body that can build up or destroy people so be mindful of what you say before you say it.)

(I am sure a lot of people have also noticed that I don't have a lot of cursing in this story so far. I don't like having curse words in my stories and I understand that might dilute some of the realism when it comes to young and impulsive 18-year-olds. But that is my choice as the author so I hope you understand.)

(Tuesday 3:30 PM)

Damien's POV

As Damien woke up, his vision was blurry. He blinked hard a few times to adjust to the bright light right above him. When he tried to sit up he felt a sharp pain in his side and fell right back down on his back. That is when he remembered what happened; he fought a bronze robot. It was one of the most challenging things he had ever fought. He felt like he was David being put up against Goliath. But Like David, Damien won by being smarter and he praised himself on his victory.

"But man...that shield did a number on me," he winced as he pulled up his shirt. His side was shades of black and blue. He thought to himself that it could have been worse. He didn't expect that robot to be smart enough to adapt like that. He was thankful that it was dumb enough to try the same trick twice. He observed his surroundings to see where he was. When his eyes landed on a red cross on the door frame, he quickly put together that he was in the infirmary. He had a lot of questions that he wanted answers to. Then his train of thought was broken when someone walked into the infirmary carrying a tray of food.

"Are those jello cubes?" He thought.

His curiosity was quickly thrown out when he saw who was carrying the tray. He could never forget those green eyes of the person he had come to find annoying. As Scarlet sat down on a chair next to the bed, she placed the tray on a table next to the bed.

"Well well well, it looks like the great 'Automaton Slayer' has finally awoken from his slumber," she said while giving Damien a smirk.

"Was that you attempting to be poetic? And where did the name 'Automaton Slayer' come from?" he retorted with little amusement on his face.

"You don't even know about your deeds!? The rumors have spread like wildfire. Damien, the camp hotshot, faces down a tall and menacing robot opponent. Only thanks to his quick wits was he able to slay the beast! Now you will go down in history as the great robot killer!" she says while acting with enthusiasm.

"Well, that is one the worst titles I have ever heard, and two your acting skills need some work," he snarkily remarked.

"Good to know. I will now refer to you as the great 'Automaton Slayer' instead of the 'Camp Hotshot' during your stay here from now on."

"Great... this day couldn't get any worse." He thought to himself. "So why are you here?" he asked her.

"You make me sound like I lack empathy. I heard that my poor rival was injured and sent to the infirmary. So I volunteered to bring you Ambrosia and to check up on you," she responded. Damien rolled his eyes.

"Ambrosia?" he asked while arching his eyebrow.

"You don't know what Ambrosia is?" she asked.

"I am not stupid I know what Ambrosia is. But what is Ambrosia doing here on this tray? I am pretty sure we are number one on the Olympus hit list just by having this." Scarlet began to snicker and put her hand over her mouth to contain her laughter. Damien was still not amused, "Is there something I am missing here?"

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